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gares committed Oct 15, 2024
1 parent ced074a commit 83c871e
Showing 1 changed file with 48 additions and 29 deletions.
77 changes: 48 additions & 29 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -666,6 +666,7 @@ module MutableOnce : sig
type 'a t
[@@ deriving show]
val make : F.t -> 'a t
val create : 'a -> 'a t
val set : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
val unset : 'a t -> unit
val get : 'a t -> 'a
Expand All @@ -677,6 +678,8 @@ end = struct

let make f = f, ref None

let create t = F.from_string "_", ref (Some t)

let is_set (_,x) = Option.is_some !x
let set (_,r) x =
match !r with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -781,6 +784,7 @@ module ScopedTerm = struct
| App of scope * F.t * t * t list
| Lam of F.t option * t
| CData of CData.t
| Spill of t * int (* 0 is the original, 1.. its phantoms *)
and t = { it : t_; loc : Loc.t; ty : TypeAssignment.t MutableOnce.t }
[@@ deriving show]

Expand All @@ -797,6 +801,8 @@ module ScopedTerm = struct
| App(_,f,x,xs) -> fprintf fmt "(%a %a)" F.pp f (Util.pplist pretty " ") (x::xs)
| Var(f,xs) -> fprintf fmt "(%a %a)" F.pp f (Util.pplist pretty " ") xs
| CData c -> fprintf fmt "%a" CData.pp c
| Spill (t,0) -> fprintf fmt "{%a}" pretty t
| Spill (t,n) -> fprintf fmt "{%a}_%d" pretty t n

let equal t1 t2 =
Expand All @@ -809,6 +815,7 @@ module ScopedTerm = struct
| App(Global,c1,x,xs), App(Global,c2,y,ys) -> F.equal c1 c2 && eq ctx x y && Util.for_all2 (eq ctx) xs ys
| App(Local,c1,x,xs), App(Local,c2,y,ys) -> eq_var ctx c1 c2 && eq ctx x y && Util.for_all2 (eq ctx) xs ys
| Lam(None,b1), Lam (None, b2) -> eq ctx b1 b2
| Spill(b1,n1), Spill (b2,n2) -> n1 == n2 && eq ctx b1 b2
| Lam(Some c1,b1), Lam(Some c2, b2) -> eq (push_ctx c1 c2 ctx) b1 b2
| CData c1, CData c2 -> CData.equal c1 c2
| _ -> false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1010,39 +1017,28 @@ end = struct
| [x], _:: ys -> x :: extend [x] ys
| x::xs, _::ys -> x :: extend [x] ys

type args_classification = Spill | NoSpill

let classify_one_arg { it } =
let is_spill { it } =
match it with
| App(Global,c,_,[]) when F.equal c F.spillf -> Spill
| _ -> NoSpill
| Spill _ -> true
| _ -> false

let rec classify_args = function
| [] -> NoSpill
| x :: xs -> if classify_one_arg x = Spill then Spill else classify_args xs
let rec any_arg_is_spill = function
| [] -> false
| x :: xs -> is_spill x || any_arg_is_spill xs

let check ~type_abbrevs ~kinds ~env (t : ScopedTerm.t) ~(exp : TypeAssignment.t) =
(* Format.eprintf "checking %a\n" ScopedTerm.pretty t; *)
let needs_spill = ref false in
let sigma : TypeAssignment.t F.Map.t ref = ref F.Map.empty in
let fresh_name = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; F.from_string ("%dummy"^ string_of_int !i) in
let rec check ctx ~loc ~tyctx x (ety : ret) : ret list =
let rec check ctx ~loc ~tyctx x (ety : ret) : ScopedTerm.t list =
(* Format.eprintf "checking %a\n" ScopedTerm.pretty_ x; *)
match x with
| Const(Global,c) -> check_global ctx ~loc ~tyctx c ety
| Const(Local,c) -> check_local ctx ~loc ~tyctx c ety
| CData c -> check_cdata ~loc ~tyctx kinds c ety
| App(Global,c,sp,[]) when F.equal c F.spillf ->
needs_spill := true;
let inner_spills = check_loc ~tyctx:None ctx sp ~ety:(mk_uvar "Spill") in (* TODO?? *)
begin match classify_arrow (ScopedTerm.type_of sp) with
| Simple { srcs; tgt } ->
let spills = srcs @ [tgt] in
let hd = List.hd spills in
if unify hd ety then spills
else error_bad_ety ~tyctx ~loc ~ety ScopedTerm.pretty_ x hd
| _ -> error ~loc "hard spill"
| Spill(sp,n) -> assert(n=0); check_spill ctx ~loc ~tyctx sp ety
| App(Global,c,x,xs) -> check_app ctx ~loc ~tyctx c (global_type env ~loc c) (x::xs) ety
| App(Local,c,x,xs) -> check_app ctx ~loc ~tyctx c (local_type ctx ~loc c) (x::xs) ety
| Lam(c,t) -> check_lam ctx ~loc ~tyctx c t ety
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1081,23 +1077,37 @@ end = struct
error_bad_function_ety ~loc ~tyctx ~ety c t

and todo_spill _ = ()
and check_spill ctx ~loc ~tyctx sp ety =
needs_spill := true;
let inner_spills = check_loc ~tyctx:None ctx sp ~ety:(mk_uvar "Spill") in (* TODO?? *)
let phantom_of_spill_ty i ty =
{ loc; it = Spill(sp,i+1); ty = MutableOnce.create (TypeAssignment.Val ty) } in
match classify_arrow (ScopedTerm.type_of sp) with
| Simple { srcs; tgt } ->
if not @@ unify tgt Prop then error ~loc "only predicated can be spilled";
let spills = srcs in
let first_spill = List.hd spills in
if unify first_spill ety then List.mapi phantom_of_spill_ty @@ spills
else error_bad_ety ~tyctx ~loc ~ety ScopedTerm.pretty_ (Spill(sp,0)) first_spill
| _ -> error ~loc "hard spill"

and check_app ctx ~loc ~tyctx c cty args ety =
match cty with
| Overloaded l ->
List.iter (fun x -> todo_spill @@ check_loc ~tyctx:None ctx ~ety:(mk_uvar "Ety") x) args;
let args = List.concat_map (fun x -> x :: check_loc ~tyctx:None ctx ~ety:(mk_uvar "Ety") x) args in
let targs = ScopedTerm.type_of args in
check_app_overloaded ctx ~loc c ety args targs l l
| Single ty ->
let err () =
if args = [] then error_bad_ety ~loc ~tyctx ~ety F.pp c ty (* uvar *)
else error_bad_ety ~loc ~tyctx ~ety ScopedTerm.pretty_ (App(Global (* sucks *),c,List.hd args, args)) ty in
let monodirectional () =
(* Format.eprintf "checking app mono %a\n" F.pp c; *)
let tgt = check_app_single ctx ~loc c ty [] args in
if unify tgt ety then []
else err () in
let bidirectional srcs tgt =
(* Format.eprintf "checking app bidi %a\n" F.pp c; *)
let rec consume args srcs =
match args, srcs with
| [], srcs -> arrow_of_tys srcs tgt
Expand All @@ -1113,15 +1123,15 @@ end = struct
| Simple { srcs; tgt } ->
if List.length args > List.length srcs then monodirectional () (* will error *)
match classify_args args with
| Spill -> monodirectional ()
| NoSpill -> bidirectional srcs tgt
if any_arg_is_spill args then monodirectional ()
else bidirectional srcs tgt

(* XXX ... look at args, is no spill then build arrow using srcs -> tgt - args .. *)

and check_app_overloaded ctx ~loc c ety args targs alltys = function
| [] -> error_overloaded_app ~loc c args ~ety alltys
| t::ts ->
(* Format.eprintf "checking overloaded app %a\n" F.pp c; *)
match classify_arrow t with
| Unknown -> error ~loc "Type too ambiguous to be assigned to an overloaded constant"
| Simple { srcs; tgt } ->
Expand All @@ -1139,10 +1149,10 @@ end = struct
(* Format.eprintf "checking app %a @ %a\n" F.pp c ScopedTerm.pretty x; *)
match ty with
| TypeAssignment.Arr(Ast.Structured.Variadic,s,t) ->
todo_spill @@ check_loc ~tyctx:(Some c) ctx x ~ety:s;
let xs = check_loc_if_not_phantom ~tyctx:(Some c) ctx x ~ety:s @ xs in
if xs = [] then t else check_app_single ctx ~loc c ty (x::consumed) xs
| TypeAssignment.Arr(Ast.Structured.NotVariadic,s,t) ->
todo_spill @@ check_loc ~tyctx:(Some c) ctx x ~ety:s;
let xs = check_loc_if_not_phantom ~tyctx:(Some c) ctx x ~ety:s @ xs in
check_app_single ctx ~loc c t (x::consumed) xs
| TypeAssignment.UVar m when MutableOnce.is_set m ->
check_app_single ctx ~loc c (TypeAssignment.deref m) consumed (x :: xs)
Expand All @@ -1152,12 +1162,17 @@ end = struct
check_app_single ctx ~loc c (TypeAssignment.Arr(Ast.Structured.NotVariadic,s,t)) consumed (x :: xs)
| _ -> error_not_a_function ~loc:x.loc c (List.rev consumed) x (* TODO: trim loc up to x *)

and check_loc ~tyctx ctx { loc; it; ty } ~ety : ret list =
and check_loc ~tyctx ctx { loc; it; ty } ~ety : ScopedTerm.t list =
assert (not @@ MutableOnce.is_set ty);
let extra_spill = check ~tyctx ctx ~loc it ety in
MutableOnce.set ty (Val ety);

and check_loc_if_not_phantom ~tyctx ctx x ~ety : ScopedTerm.t list =
match with
| Spill(_,n) when n > 0 -> []
| _ -> check_loc ~tyctx ctx x ~ety

and check_matches_poly_skema_loc { loc; it } =
let c, args =
match it with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1778,6 +1793,8 @@ end = struct
if is_uvar_name c then ScopedTerm.Var(c,[])
else ScopedTerm.(Const(Global,c))
| App ({ it = App (f,l1) },l2) -> scope_term ctx ~loc (App(f, l1 @ l2))
| App({ it = Const c }, [x]) when F.equal c F.spillf ->
ScopedTerm.Spill (scope_loc_term ctx x,0)
| App({ it = Const c }, x :: xs) ->
if is_discard c then error ~loc "Applied discard";
let x = scope_loc_term ctx x in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3006,6 +3023,7 @@ end (* }}} *)
match it with
| Const(Local,_) -> it
| Const(Global,c) -> let c' = f c in if c == c' then it else Const(Global,c')
| Spill(t,n) -> let t' = aux_loc t in if t' == t then it else Spill(t',n)
| App(scope,c,x,xs) ->
let c' = if scope = Global then f c else c in
let x' = aux_loc x in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3583,6 +3601,7 @@ end = struct
let rec todbl ctx t =
match with
| CData c -> D.mkCData (CData.hcons c)
| Spill(t,n) -> assert(n=0); assert false
(* lists *)
| Const(Global,c) when F.(equal c nilf) -> D.mkNil
| App(Global,c,x,[y]) when F.(equal c consf) ->
Expand Down

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