* nic_monitor: Monitor 100's of streams concurrently for service abnormalities
* asi2ip: A low jitter ASI to IP conversion tool, leveraging the DekTec ASI family of cards.
* nielsen_inspector: Find and extract nielsen codes (requires proprietary SDK).
* scte35_inspector: Extract, parse and display SCTE35 data from MPEG-TS transport streams.
* bitrate_smoother: Take a burstly UDP stream in, output a smoother UDP stream.
* clock_inspector: Analyze transport files, look for PTS/DTS/PCR abnormalities
* iat_tester: TOol to test network / kernel schedule streaming jitter performance.
* igmp_join: Issue IGMP multicast joins
* pcap2ts: Extract transport streams from pcap recordings.
* pes_inspector: Extract / parse PES headers from streams.
* sei_unregistered: Find unregistered SEI messages in a stransport stream.
* si_inspector: Extract detailed service information from SPTS / MPTS streams.
* si_streammodel: Tool that demonstrates the libltntstools framework
* slicer: For very large TS recordings, index the file by PCR then selectively extract
* stream_verifier: Detect any kind of bit mangling or loss problems through transport.
* tr101290_analyzer: Demonstrates how to use the framework. See nic_monitor also.
* udp_capture: Deprecated. Use nic_monitor tool instead.
See the included lgpl-2.1.txt for the complete license agreement.
./autogen.sh --build
./configure --enable-shared=no
* libltntstools
* ncurses
* libdvbpsi