A command-line tool for managing tasks, simulating a client-server interaction with a backend API and database
├── main.py # CLI entry point, acts as the client, allows users to add, update, delete, and view tasks
├── api.py # Simulates server, handling client requests and interacts with database layer
├── db.py # Simulates database, manages task data, handles data storage and retrieval
└── README.md # Project documentation
must have python3 installed
git clone https://github.com/LU347/task-tracker-cli.git
cd task-tracker-cli
chmod +x main.py
- Adding a task
./main.py add test
./main.py add "finish this readme"
- Updating a task:
./main.py update 0 "new task" #{id of task} {new task}
- Marking a task as done/in-progress:
./main.py mark-done 0 #id of task
./main.py mark-in-progress 0
- List tasks:
./main.py list {filter: done/in-progress} #filter is optional, will list all tasks if blank
- Delete a task:
./main.py delete 0 #id of task