This is a Nozzle to drain log from firehose in CloudFoundry to LogDNA.
Currently the Nozzle only run as an app in Cloud Foundry.
1 - Download the latest release of Firehose-to-Logdna.
$git clone
$cd firehose-to-syslog
2 - Utilize the CF cli to authenticate with your PCF instance.
cf login -a https://api.[your cf system domain] -u [your id] --skip-ssl-validation
3 - Push firehose-to-logdna.
cf push firehose-to-logdna --no-start
4 - Set environment variables with cf cli.
cf set-env firehose-to-logdna API_ENDPOINT https://api.[your cf system domain]
cf set-env firehose-to-logdna DOPPLER_ENDPOINT wss://doppler.[your cf system domain]:443
cf set-env firehose-to-logdna INGESTION_KEY [your ingestion key in LogDNA]
cf set-env firehose-to-logdna FIREHOSE_USER [your doppler.firehose enabled user]
cf set-env firehose-to-logdna FIREHOSE_PASSWORD [your doppler.firehose enabled user password]
cf set-env firehose-to-logdna FIREHOSE_CLIENT_ID [your doppler.firehose enabled client id]
cf set-env firehose-to-logdna FIREHOSE_CLIENT_SECRET [your doppler.firehose enabled client secret]
5 - Push and run.
cf push firehose-to-logdna