A simple Java application for a console-based application to manage the Student Automated Registration System in NTU.
The objective of this assignment is to design and develop a console-based application – My Student Automated Registration System (MySTARS). NTU students will use MySTARS to check, register for courses, and do other course-related functions. MySTARS will also be used by an administrator to check, manage courses and edit access period for different schools and students.
Folder structure options and naming conventions for MySTARS
├── Diagrams # UML Diagrams
├── JavaDocs # JavaDocs
├── Program with Sample Data/MySTARS # Eclipse Project Directory
├── video # Link to video
├── Assignment 2016-17S2.pdf # Assignment Requirements
├── README.md # README for repository
└── readme.txt # README for Eclipse Project
Disclaimer: This repo is deprecated and no longer maintained. The Project was submitted as part of the course project for CZ2002 OBJECT ORIENTED DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING at NTU in AY 16/17 Semester 2. All rights reserved to Nanyang Technological University and the Designer of course CZ2002. The author will bear no responsibilities for any issues arose from academic integrity or honor code violations of anyone who takes this repository as a reference.