First thing you will need to install the crate located in backend/prisma-cli
For this use the command
cargo install --locked --path .
Then you need to start the database a mysql database on port 3306 example:
docker run --name docker_name -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=example_root_password -e MYSQL_DATABASE=example_name -e MYSQL_USER=example_user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=example_password -p 3306:3306 mysql
Then export the following variable:
export INTRASTEK_DATABASE_URL=mysql://root:example_root_password@localhost:3306/example_name
If you changed the prisma schema please check for a need of a migration.
Then compile the backend and run it
cargo run
Logs can be activitied using the env var INTRASTEK_LOG
Finally run de frontend using
npm run dev