A Node.js + Socket.IO server that receives Sendero Web Clients interactions and multiplexes them to RabbitMQ queues in order to let the corresponding Sendero Client receive them.
This server requires a running RabbitMQ instance. Its address and all other required configuration settings are set in config.js
Here is an example of configurations set.
var config = module.exports = {
// Sendero Interaction Server's address.
web: {
ip: "localhost",
port: 8081
// RabbitMQ configurations
rabbit: {
address: "localhost",
queues: [
publish_options: {
expiration: 2000, // milliseconds to expire inside the queue
persistent: false // if broker restarts, messagges will be deleted.
// Define the interactions that will be received.
interactions: {
// The keys in this dictionary are the names of the interactions received
"drag": {
// Interactions received with 'drag' name will be queued in all the RabbitMQ queues in the list.
// The queue names must be defined in rabbit.queues (above).
queues: ["dragging_queue"]
"test": {
queues: ["testing_queue"]
The server expects to receive JavaScript objects in the following format:
'name': '<interaction_name>',
'data': "string with data related to the interacton"
The data is queued in all queues defined in config.interactions.<interaction_name>.queues
as soon as they arrive to the server.
In the AMQP message queued, the Socket.IO client id is set as a header with key web_client_id
. The type attribute of the message is set to "interaction_data" and when a client disconnects, an AMQP message with type client_disconnected
is queued in every queue.
For more information about Sendero Project go to the base repository.
Logo designed by [email protected] & [email protected]