Small Amateur 1D Rocket Simulation Program
To run a simulation just execute python
and change the parameters.
- Standard Atmosphere
- Changing Temperature over Altitude
- Changing Density over Altitude
- Thrust Curve through Interpolation
- Custom Thrust Curves can be Implemented (through motor classes)
- Time Dependent Drag (only main chute in GUI)
- Usable for: Parachutes, Separation, ...
- Time Dependent Mass (not in GUI)
- Max. Altitude Calculation
- Altitude, Velocity, Acceleration Calculation
- Ideal Separation Time Optimization (not in GUI)
- Automatic Plots
- Following Camera Angle over Time
- Dependent on distance to launchpad
- Main-Parachute in GUI
See images in repository
- Three Dimensional Flight
- Vertical drift due to side wind
- Launch ramp skew
- Statistical considerations
- Google Earth / Maps Integration
- Start Coordinates
- Touch Down region
- Ballistic Flight
- Successfull Parachute Flight
- 2 stage in GUI
- Drogue
Twitter: @soegal