- Java 8
- Maven
Optional requirement (but recommended)
- JWPL Pro dump accessible as SQL-Server
Build with
mvn package
Disable Unit tests with
mvn package -DskipTests
Install first with (currently not in any maven repo)
mvn install
Then, in your code initialize a new Wikipedia
and get a new article:
Config config = ConfigFactory.load() // load your config
WikipediaAPI dump = new WikipediaFromDump(config);
WikipediaArticle article = dump.fetchArticle("Passau");
Or you could query the live Wikipedia API (but be aware of rate limiting)
Config config = ConfigFactory.load() // load your config
WikipediaAPI live = new WikipediaFromAPI(config);
WikipediaArticle article = live.fetchArticle("Passau");
You then have a few possibilities to interact with the article object.
// get article's text
String text = article.getText()
// get article's title
String title = article.getTitle()
// get article's fetch-date
Date date = article.getDate()
Small configuration can be done in reference.conf
You can either build and run your own docker image:
mvn clean -P server package
docker build -t "wikiapi" -f wikipedia-rest/target/classes/Dockerfile-wikipedia .
docker run \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v $(pwd)/conf:/usr/share/wikipedia/conf \
-v $(pwd)/logs:/usr/share/wikipedia/logs \
Or use the docker-compose.yml
file to pull the prebuilt image from
and run it immediately. If you do this, you only need this file and a config file in conf/wikipedia.local.conf
and a conf/logback.xml
to configure logging.
docker-compose up
- Bernhard Bermeitinger
- Siegfried Handschuh