A simple Python CLI tool for re-editing videos based on a given phrase. It uses Google's Video Intelligence API to determine the words in a video.
- Clone this repository and navigate into it
- Install the dependencies
- Create a GCP project and enable:
- Video Intelligence API
- Cloud Storage
- Create a service account on GCP that has access to these services
- Run
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=path/to/service/account.json
python3 video-mashup <source> <destination> <sentence>
- The path to the video you want to mash updestination
- The path where the mashed up video will be savedsentence
- The sentence that should be said in the mash up (wrap it in quotes)
Running python3 video-mashup ./my-video.mp4 ./final.mp4 "hello friends"
- Using the video located at
- And the sentence
"hello friends"
- Will create a video saved at