The 0.91" display is here. And in three available colours - blue, yellow and white, with a resolution of 128x32px. In addition, the display itself contains the well-known SSD1306 driver. But what is more interesting is the board itself - it has two through-port connectors, so you can connect the display to a control unit - for example Meteo Mini, Air board, ESP32-C3-LPkit. But we have many more such boards with different types of microcontrollers.
And on the other side you connect sensors - for example SCD41 includes CO2, temperature and air humidity, sensor SHT41 temperature and humidity and pressure, temperature, humidity BME280, RTC with DS3231. And these are just a few of the sensors available, check out our e-shop, there are much more :-)
uŠup is compatible with SparkFun Qwiic and Adafruit STEMMA.
If you want to connect it to another board, you can of course plug in a spike and connect with classic dupont cables. Back to the OLED module. So the diagonal of the display is 0.91", resolution 128x32px. It has two mounting holes on the sides, thanks to them the display will stick exactly where it should. If they get in the way, just cut them off. The module also has its own pull-up resistors for the I2C bus. These are connected by default. If you want to disconnect them, just scrape a path inside the solder bridge.
You can find the sample codes here on github