The BO2 Soundbank code has been refactored a lot.
The previously generated CSV files for sound aliases are unfortunately not compatible with the current values anymore.
This is due to changes in the amount of columns (some were removed, some were added) and the format of their values
that has been changed.
I recommend redumping previously used soundaliases from the original game.
If you however want to instead migrate existing CSVs, feel free to reach out in the Plutonium BO2 modding discord channel.
Thank you @Jbleezy for the help and the migration script!
What's Changed
- refactor: use asset_type_t for ZoneDefinition by @Laupetin in #276
- Dump and load correct volume and pitch values for T6 sound aliases by @Jbleezy in #274
- refactor: sound bank loading dumping by @Laupetin in #277
- fix: zone def loading by @Laupetin in #279
- Improve sound bank dumping by @Jbleezy in #278
- fix: stop removing extensions of soundaliases by @Laupetin in #284
Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v0.19.0