Releases: LaviniaCioloca/inspectory
Display JSON information (number of methods & sum of severity) of methods with ownership problems, grouped by files.
Fix broken nested classes bug and show number of Java sources analysed.
Have in ownership CSV file information regarding file owners in terms of activity.
Give the possibility of 'all' command, create CSV ownership files for both classes and methods and add execution time.
MAJOR 0.2 release
MAJOR release having a CLI interface with 2 metrics possibility and CSV and JSON results in .inspectory folder of persistent repository analysed.
MINOR 0.1.1
Fixed minor bugs like: negative difference between commits & others.
MAJOR 0.1 release
MAJOR release with inspectory giving the possibility of analysing a repository and creating the output CSV file that contains the information and metrics' values for each Java method.
First release - pre-alpha version
First release that gives the result folder with every .history file for each .java. General log file has the methods in descending order based on their number of changes.