Hi! I have attached the code base for Laravel deployed on Kubernetes that you will use in this chapter.
If you get stuck at any moment, please feel free to refer to this code.
Just in case, please see below an explanation of each folder:
- different config files to have the server running
- Directory for environment file(s) used for master/production environment
- Directory for environment file(s) used for staging environment
- Directory of your Laravel App
- Init file that parses environment secret and updates Laravel's .env file
- list of files that you not be pushed to GitHub. (your local files & installed packages that won't be needed in production
- File that Docker is using in order to compile a server image
- a file that has a friendly explanation of this image/repository
- File that google cloud is using in order to run a deployment, create an image and deploy it to Kubernetes in the master/production environment
- File that google cloud is using in order to run a deployment, create an image and deploy it to Kubernetes in the staging environment
Make sure that these files are deployed on your GitHub repository.
docker build -t laraveldocker . --build-arg CONFIG_PATH=config_production
docker run -p 80:8080 laraveldocker
go to localhost on your browser and check out the result
FYI: if you are running it locally, not via docker, it will show 500 Error because it will be missing APP_KEY in .env file. Normally it would be initated in Kubernetes when we run init.php file.
I suggest always having some sort of "Cheat Sheet". This is where you store all the commands that you use in your daily life. It doesn't make sense to memorize every single command, it is just not feasible. This is why I suggest saving this cheat sheet that you will use in this course and improving it later on as you go.
docker build --platform amd64 -t helloworld .
docker images
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
docker rmi $(docker ps -a -q)
docker run -i -t -p 80:80 helloworld
docker ps
Run the container + forward port to local port
docker run -i -t -p 80:80 helloworld
List processes/containers
docker ps
Remove container - docker rm container_id
Remove image - docker rmi image_id
How to enter into shell of an instance?
docker exec -it "id” bash
gcloud auth login [email protected]
gcloud config set project inner-catfish-339817
-) docker tag helloworld us.gcr.io/inner-catfish-339817/helloworld:0.0.1
-) docker push us.gcr.io/inner-catfish-339817/helloworld:0.0.1
Quickly switch between projects:
gcloud config set project inner-catfish-339817; gcloud container clusters get-credentials autopilot-cluster-1 —zone us-east4;
kubectl create secret generic env-credentials --from-file=env-credentials.json=env-credentials.json
kubectl create secret tls my-tls-secret --key example.key --cert example.crt
Connecting to a Pod:
kubectl exec -ti YOUR_POD_ID_HERE sh
Want to speed up your development speed? Include long commands to your ~/.bash_profile by adding an alias
vim ~/.bash_profile
- add this below:
For PHP users:
alias composer="php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar"
alias updsdk="php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar update --ignore-platform-reqs; cd ../../..; git add .; git commit -m 'sdk upd'; git push;"
alias test="php artisan test"
Easy command for past commit & push
alias gpush="git add .; git commit -m 'sdk upd'; git push;"
Authenticate with different Google-Cloud environments/accounts
alias testcloud="gcloud config set project inner-catfish-339817; gcloud container clusters get-credentials autopilot-cluster-1 —zone us-east4;"
If you do encounter any issues or you have suggestions, please email me at [email protected] , will be glad to connect and hear your feedback, as it is very important to improve this course!