Contribution in Web Development under DevIncept 30-DAYS CONTRIBUTOR PROGRAM.
Introduction to Web Development
- Introduction to Web Development
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Fundamentals
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Fundamentals
- JavaScript (JS) Fundamentals
Intermediate Web Development
- CSS Framework
- Bootstrap
- Bulma
- The Document Object Model (DOM)
- CSS display properties
- Flexbox
- CSS-Grid
- jQuery Fundamentals
- Version Control: Git
Advanced Web Development
- Deep Dive: JavaScript
- Modern JavaScript (ECMAScript 6, ES7)
- Object Oriented Programming (with JavaScript)
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Promises
- Observables
- Async Await
- Introduction to ReactJS
- Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) with ReactJS
- GraphQL API's
- Front-end Routing in ReactJS (React Router)
- React Hooks
Back-end JavaScript Development
- Back-end Development with NodeJS and ExpressJS
- Build Your Own REST API with ExpressJS
- Integrate Front-end with Back-end API's
Advanced Pre-processors
- Introduction to TypeScript
- NodeJS meet TypeScript (NestJS)
- SCSS (CSS pre-processor)
- Overview of Databases
- Structured Query Language (SQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB)
- Deep Dive: Databases
- TypeORMs - Sequelize
- Authentication Concepts - (JWT's and PassportJS)
- Implementing Authentication (O-Auth and other 3rd party Authentication)
Other Tools, Techniques, & Third Party APIs
- 3rd Party APIs: Processing Payments with Stripe, RazorPay
- 3rd Party APIs: Sending Emails with NodeMailer, Mailman
- Advanced Git: Back to the Basics (Git Review)
- Advanced Git: Branching, Merging, and Collaborating
- Deployment: Heroku, Firebase, Netlify