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LechGrzelak committed Mar 10, 2021
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97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions Solutions to Exercises/Chapter 10/Python Codes/
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Created on 29 Nov 2019
Conditional expectation
@author: Lech A. Grzelak
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def GeneratePathsTwoStocksEuler(NoOfPaths,NoOfSteps,T,r,S10,S20,rho,sigma1,sigma2):
Z1 = np.random.normal(0.0,1.0,[NoOfPaths,NoOfSteps])
Z2 = np.random.normal(0.0,1.0,[NoOfPaths,NoOfSteps])
W1 = np.zeros([NoOfPaths, NoOfSteps+1])
W2 = np.zeros([NoOfPaths, NoOfSteps+1])
# Initialization
X1 = np.zeros([NoOfPaths, NoOfSteps+1])
X1[:,0] =np.log(S10)
X2 = np.zeros([NoOfPaths, NoOfSteps+1])
X2[:,0] =np.log(S20)
time = np.zeros([NoOfSteps+1])
dt = T / float(NoOfSteps)

for i in range(0,NoOfSteps):
# Making sure that samples from a normal have mean 0 and variance 1
if NoOfPaths > 1:
Z1[:,i] = (Z1[:,i] - np.mean(Z1[:,i])) / np.std(Z1[:,i])
Z2[:,i] = (Z2[:,i] - np.mean(Z2[:,i])) / np.std(Z2[:,i])
Z2[:,i] = rho *Z1[:,i] + np.sqrt(1.0-rho**2.0)*Z2[:,i]
W1[:,i+1] = W1[:,i] + np.power(dt, 0.5)*Z1[:,i]
W2[:,i+1] = W2[:,i] + np.power(dt, 0.5)*Z2[:,i]
X1[:,i+1] = X1[:,i] + (r -0.5*sigma1**2.0)* dt + sigma1 * (W1[:,i+1] -
X2[:,i+1] = X2[:,i] + (r -0.5*sigma2**2.0)* dt + sigma2 * (W2[:,i+1] -
time[i+1] = time[i] +dt

# Return stock paths
paths = {"time":time,"S1":np.exp(X1),"S2":np.exp(X2)}
return paths

def getEVBinMethod(S,v,NoOfBins):
if (NoOfBins != 1):
mat = np.transpose(np.array([S,v]))
# Sort all the rows according to the first column
val = mat[mat[:,0].argsort()]
binSize = int((np.size(S)/NoOfBins))
expectation = np.zeros([np.size(S),2])
for i in range(1,binSize-1):
sample = val[(i-1)*binSize:i*binSize,1]
expectation[(i-1)*binSize:i*binSize,0] = val[(i-1)*binSize:i*binSize,0]
expectation[(i-1)*binSize:i*binSize,1] = np.mean(sample)
return expectation

def main():
NoOfPaths = 10000
NoOfSteps = 100
T = 5.0
rho = -0.5
y10 = 1.0
y20 = 0.05

# Set 1
sigma1 = 0.3
sigma2 = 0.3

# Set 2
#sigma1 = 0.9
#sigma2 = 0.9

paths = GeneratePathsTwoStocksEuler(NoOfPaths, NoOfSteps, T, 0.0, y10, y20, rho, sigma1, sigma2)
y1 = paths["S1"]
y2 = paths["S2"]

# Analytical expression for the conditional expectation
condE = lambda y1: y20 * (y1/y10)**(rho*sigma2/sigma1)*np.exp(0.5*T*(rho*sigma2*sigma1-sigma2**2*rho**2))

y1Grid = np.linspace(np.min(y1[:,-1]), np.max(y1[:,-1]), 2500)

# Bin method
E = getEVBinMethod(y1[:,-1], y2[:,-1], 50)
plt.legend(['samples','E[Y2|Y1]-Monte Carlo','E[Y2|Y1]-Analytical'])

# for y1 = 1.75 we have
y1 = 1.75
print("Analytical expression for y1={0} yields E[Y2|Y1={0}] = {1}".format(y1,condE(y1)))

condValueInterp = lambda y1: np.interp(y1,E[:,0],E[:,1])
print("Monte Carlo, for y1={0} yields E[Y2|Y1={0}] = {1}".format(y1,condValueInterp(y1)))

207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions Solutions to Exercises/Chapter 10/Python Codes/
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@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
Created on Jan 8 2020
Exercise 10.7: The Bates model and pricing of forward start options
@author: Lech A. Grzelak
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as st
import enum
import scipy.optimize as optimize

# set i= imaginary number
i = np.complex(0.0,1.0)

# This class defines puts and calls
class OptionType(enum.Enum):
CALL = 1.0
PUT = -1.0

def CallPutOptionPriceCOSMthd_FrwdStart(cf,CP,r,T1,T2,K,N,L):
# cf - characteristic function as a functon, in the book denoted as \varphi
# CP - C for call and P for put
# S0 - Initial stock price
# r - interest rate (constant)
# K - list of strikes
# N - Number of expansion terms
# L - size of truncation domain (typ.:L=8 or L=10)

tau = T2 - T1
# reshape K to a column vector
if K is not np.array:
K = np.array(K).reshape([len(K),1])

# Adjust strike
K = K + 1.0

#assigning i=sqrt(-1)
i = np.complex(0.0,1.0)
x0 = np.log(1.0 / K)

# truncation domain
a = 0.0 - L * np.sqrt(tau)
b = 0.0 + L * np.sqrt(tau)

# sumation from k = 0 to k=N-1
k = np.linspace(0,N-1,N).reshape([N,1])
u = k * np.pi / (b - a);

# Determine coefficients for Put Prices
H_k = CallPutCoefficients(CP,a,b,k)
mat = np.exp(i * np.outer((x0 - a) , u))
temp = cf(u) * H_k
temp[0] = 0.5 * temp[0]
value = np.exp(-r * T2) * K * np.real(
return value

# Determine coefficients for Put and Call Prices
def CallPutCoefficients(CP,a,b,k):
if CP==OptionType.CALL:
c = 0.0
d = b
coef = Chi_Psi(a,b,c,d,k)
Chi_k = coef["chi"]
Psi_k = coef["psi"]
if a < b and b < 0.0:
H_k = np.zeros([len(k),1])
H_k = 2.0 / (b - a) * (Chi_k - Psi_k)
elif CP==OptionType.PUT:
c = a
d = 0.0
coef = Chi_Psi(a,b,c,d,k)
Chi_k = coef["chi"]
Psi_k = coef["psi"]
H_k = 2.0 / (b - a) * (- Chi_k + Psi_k)

return H_k

def Chi_Psi(a,b,c,d,k):
psi = np.sin(k * np.pi * (d - a) / (b - a)) - np.sin(k * np.pi * (c - a)/(b - a))
psi[1:] = psi[1:] * (b - a) / (k[1:] * np.pi)
psi[0] = d - c

chi = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.power((k * np.pi / (b - a)) , 2.0))
expr1 = np.cos(k * np.pi * (d - a)/(b - a)) * np.exp(d) - np.cos(k * np.pi
* (c - a) / (b - a)) * np.exp(c)
expr2 = k * np.pi / (b - a) * np.sin(k * np.pi *
(d - a) / (b - a)) - k * np.pi / (b - a) * np.sin(k
* np.pi * (c - a) / (b - a)) * np.exp(c)
chi = chi * (expr1 + expr2)

value = {"chi":chi,"psi":psi }
return value

# Forward start Black-Scholes option price
def BS_Call_Option_Price_FrwdStart(K,sigma,T1,T2,r):
if K is list:
K = np.array(K).reshape([len(K),1])
K = K + 1.0
tau = T2 - T1
d1 = (np.log(1.0 / K) + (r + 0.5 * np.power(sigma,2.0))* tau) / (sigma * np.sqrt(tau))
d2 = d1 - sigma * np.sqrt(tau)
value = np.exp(-r*T1) * st.norm.cdf(d1) - st.norm.cdf(d2) * K * np.exp(-r * T2)
return value

# Implied volatility for the forward start call option
def ImpliedVolatility_FrwdStart(marketPrice,K,T1,T2,r):
# To determine initial volatility we interpolate define a grid for sigma
# and interpolate on the inverse
sigmaGrid = np.linspace(0,2,200)
optPriceGrid = BS_Call_Option_Price_FrwdStart(K,sigmaGrid,T1,T2,r)
sigmaInitial = np.interp(marketPrice,optPriceGrid,sigmaGrid)
print("Initial volatility = {0}".format(sigmaInitial))

# Use determined input for the local-search (final tuning)
func = lambda sigma: np.power(BS_Call_Option_Price_FrwdStart(K,sigma,T1,T2,r) - marketPrice, 1.0)
impliedVol = optimize.newton(func, sigmaInitial, tol=1e-15)
print("Final volatility = {0}".format(impliedVol))
return impliedVol

def ChFBatesModelForwardStart(r,T1,T2,kappa,gamma,vbar,v0,rho,xiP,muJ,sigmaJ):
i = np.complex(0.0,1.0)
tau = T2 - T1
D1 = lambda u: np.sqrt(np.power(kappa-gamma*rho*i*u,2)+(u*u+i*u)*gamma*gamma)
g = lambda u: (kappa-gamma*rho*i*u-D1(u))/(kappa-gamma*rho*i*u+D1(u))
C = lambda u: (1.0-np.exp(-D1(u)*tau))/(gamma*gamma*(1.0-g(u)*np.exp(-D1(u)*tau)))\
# Note that we exclude the term -r*tau, as the discounting is performed in the COS method
AHes = lambda u: r*i*u*tau + kappa*vbar*tau/gamma/gamma *(kappa-gamma*rho*i*u-D1(u))\
- 2*kappa*vbar/gamma/gamma*np.log((1.0-g(u)*np.exp(-D1(u)*tau))/(1.0-g(u)))
A = lambda u: AHes(u) - xiP * i * u * tau *(np.exp(muJ+0.5*sigmaJ*sigmaJ) - 1.0) + \
xiP * tau * (np.exp(i*u*muJ - 0.5 * sigmaJ * sigmaJ * u * u) - 1.0)
c_bar = lambda t1,t2: gamma*gamma/(4.0*kappa) * (1.0 - np.exp(-kappa*(t2-t1)))
delta = 4.0*kappa*vbar/gamma/gamma
kappa_bar = lambda t1, t2: 4.0*kappa*v0*np.exp(-kappa*(t2-t1))/(gamma*gamma*(1.0-np.exp(-kappa*(t2-t1))))
term1 = lambda u: A(u) + C(u)*c_bar(0.0,T1)*kappa_bar(0.0,T1)/(1.0-2.0*C(u)*c_bar(0.0,T1))
term2 = lambda u: np.power(1.0/(1.0-2.0*C(u)*c_bar(0.0,T1)),0.5*delta)
cf = lambda u: np.exp(term1(u)) * term2(u)
return cf

def mainCalculation():
CP = OptionType.CALL
r = 0.00

TMat1=[[1.0,3.0],[2.0,4.0],[3.0, 5.0],[4.0, 6.0]]
TMat2=[[1.0,2.0],[1.0,3.0],[1.0, 4.0],[1.0, 5.0]]

K = np.linspace(-0.4,4.0,50)
K = np.array(K).reshape([len(K),1])

N = 500
L = 10

# Bates model parameters
kappa = 0.6
gamma = 0.2
vbar = 0.1
rho = -0.5
v0 = 0.05

muJ = 0.05
sigmaJ= 0.2
xiP = 0.1

plt.xlabel('strike, K')
plt.ylabel('implied volatility')
legend = []
for T_pair in TMat1:
T1= T_pair[0]
T2= T_pair[1]
cf = ChFBatesModelForwardStart(r,T1,T2,kappa,gamma,vbar,v0,rho,xiP,muJ,sigmaJ)
# Forward-start option from the COS method
valCOS = CallPutOptionPriceCOSMthd_FrwdStart(cf,CP,r,T1,T2,K,N,L)
# Implied volatilities
IV =np.zeros([len(K),1])
for idx in range(0,len(K)):
IV[idx] = ImpliedVolatility_FrwdStart(valCOS[idx],K[idx],T1,T2,r)
legend.append('T1={0} & T2={1}'.format(T1,T2))

plt.xlabel('strike, K')
plt.ylabel('implied volatility')
legend = []
for T_pair in TMat2:
T1= T_pair[0]
T2= T_pair[1]
cf = ChFBatesModelForwardStart(r,T1,T2,kappa,gamma,vbar,v0,rho,xiP,muJ,sigmaJ)

# Forward-start option from the COS method
valCOS = CallPutOptionPriceCOSMthd_FrwdStart(cf,CP,r,T1,T2,K,N,L)

# Implied volatilities
IV =np.zeros([len(K),1])
for idx in range(0,len(K)):
IV[idx] = ImpliedVolatility_FrwdStart(valCOS[idx],K[idx],T1,T2,r)
legend.append('T1={0} & T2={1}'.format(T1,T2))



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