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LeeBergstrand edited this page Apr 4, 2014 · 6 revisions


A Biopython program that takes a list of query proteins and uses local BLASTp to search for highly similer proteins within a local blast database (usally a local db of a target proteome). The program then BLASTps backwards from the found subject proteins to the query proteome to confirm gene orthology.


  • This program requires the Biopython module:
  • This script requires BLAST+ 2.2.9 or later.
  • All operations are done with protien sequences.
  • All query proteins must be from sequenced genomes in order to facilitate backwards BLAST.
  • MakeBlastDB must be used to create BLASTp databases for both query and subject proteomes.
  • BLAST databases require the FASTA file they were made from be in the same directory.

Usage: <queryGeneList.faa> <queryBLASTDB.faa> <subjectBLASTDB.faa>

Example: queryGeneList.faa AL123456.3.faa AUUJ00000000.faa

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