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Releases: LemonHaze420/wudecon


02 May 14:42
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wudecon v1.0.7061.27731

        wudecon <mode> <input> <output>
        wudecon --all <input dir> <output dir>
        wudecon --mt5 <mt5 file> <obj file>
        wudecon --mt5 <dir with mt5's> <output dir>
        wudecon --mt7 <mt7 file> <obj file>
        wudecon [--pkf|--pks|--spr|--ipac|--gz|--afs] <source file> <output dir>
        wudecon --tc <tad file> <output dir>
        wudecon --tacfile <file in tac to extract> <output dir>
        wudecon --tacfull <tad file> <tac output dir> <model output dir> <mt5/mt7>

        Batch conversion possible by replacing file argument for path
        When using --tacfile (or -tfile) the path to search for within the TAC needs to be in lowercase.
        For verbose logging, add 'v' to the beginning or end of the mode, e.g. '--allv' or 'v--mt5'


25 Mar 22:20
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wudecon v1.0.7023.39908

        wudecon <mode> <input> <output>
        wudecon --all <input dir> <output dir>
        wudecon --mt5 <mt5 file> <obj file>
        wudecon --mt5 <dir with mt5's> <output dir>
        wudecon --mt7 <mt7 file> <obj file>
        wudecon [--pkf|--pks|--spr|--ipac|--gz|--afs] <source file> <output dir>
        wudecon --tc <tad file> <output dir>
        wudecon --tacfile <file in tac to extract> <output dir>
        wudecon --tacfull <tad file> <tac output dir> <model output dir> <mt5/mt7>

        Batch conversion possible by replacing file argument for path
        When using --tacfile (or -tfile) the path to search for within the TAC needs to be in lowercase.
        For verbose logging, add 'v' to the beginning or end of the mode, e.g. '--allv' or 'v--mt5'


04 Jan 00:46
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A multi-purpose tool built with ShenmueDKSharp to convert/unpack a variety of file formats used in Shenmue I and Shenmue II.

wudecon v1.0.6942.42917
        wudecon <mode> <input> <output>
        wudecon --all <input dir> <output dir>
        wudecon --mt5 <mt5 file> <obj file>
        wudecon --mt5 <dir with mt5's> <output dir>
        wudecon --mt7 <mt7 file> <obj file>
        wudecon [--pkf|--pks|--spr|--ipac|--gz|--afs] <source file> <output dir>
        wudecon --tac <tad file> <tac file> <output dir>

Batch conversion possible by replacing file argument for path. Verbose logging can be enabled by adding 'v' to the mode argument. Adding 't' to the mode argument will enable TAC/TAD extraction.


29 Dec 21:54
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A multi-purpose tool built with ShenmueDKSharp to convert/unpack a variety of file formats used in Shenmue I and Shenmue II.

wudecon v1.0.6937.39281

        wudecon <mode> <input> <output>
        wudecon --all <input dir> <output dir>
        wudecon --mt5 <mt5 file> <obj file>
        wudecon --mt5 <dir with mt5's> <output dir>
        wudecon --mt7 <mt7 file> <obj file>
        wudecon [--pkf|--pks|--spr|--ipac|--gz|--afs] <source file> <output dir>
        wudecon --tac <tad file> <tac file> <output dir>
Batch conversion possible by replacing file argument for path


28 Dec 20:42
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A multi-purpose tool built with ShenmueDKSharp to convert/unpack a variety of file formats used in Shenmue I and Shenmue II.

wudecon v1.00

        wudecon <mode> <input> <output>
        wudecon --mt5 <mt5 file> <obj file>
        wudecon --mt7 <mt7 file> <obj file>
        wudecon [--pkf|--pks|--spr|--ipac|--gz|--afs] <source file> <output dir>
        wudecon --tac <tad file> <tac file> <output dir>
        wudecon --batch-mt5 <mt5 dir> <obj output dir>

Batch flags:


28 Dec 18:52
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v0.2 Pre-release
Correct usage:
        model2obj [--mt5|--mt7] <source model> <destination obj>
        model2obj [--pkf|--pks] <source file> <output dir>
        model2obj --tac <tad file> <tac file> <output dir>


28 Dec 18:06
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v0.1 Pre-release
Stupid changes