- Maven dependency
- Resources folder files - ResourceFile
- Regular files in File System - UserFiles, UserHomeFile
- Network Resources
- Read file examples
Reading files in the resources
No matter if the resource files are in the File System or in the Jar.
ResourceFile file = new ResourceFile("my-file.json");
UserFile file = new UserFile("c:/myfiles/myfile.txt");
UserHomeFile file = new UserHomeFile("my-user-home-test.txt");
It can be a file somewhere in the Internet or other resources accessible through urls.
NetworkSource file = new NetworkSource("https://github.com/LenarBad/files")
String content = file.content();
List<String> lines = file.lines();
Book book = file.fromJson(Book.class);
List<Book> books = file.fromJsonAsList(Book[].class);
Book book = file.fromYaml(Book.class);
List<Book> books = file.fromYamlAsList(Book.class);
Properties properties = file.properties();