A Nodejs interface to interact with the Leo SDK and AWS
Documentation: https://docs.leoplatform.io
- Install the aws-cli toolkit - Instructions for this are found at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/installing.html
- Configure the aws-cli tools - Instructions are found at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-getting-started.html
- Install node - https://nodejs.org/en/
- Install using npm. In your project folder run the following command.
npm install leo-cli -g
A system is the root directory for a group of microservices & bots. This command will create a directory for the system.
leo-cli create system MySystem
Microservices must be created inside a system directory
cd /MySystem
leo-cli create microservice MyService
Bots must be created inside a microservice directory
cd /MySystem/MyService
leo-cli create load MyLoadBot
leo-cli create enrich MyEnrichBot
leo-cli create offload MyOffloadBot
leo-cli create bot MyBot
leo-cli create cron MyCronBot
Inside a bot directory
cd /MySystem/MyService/bots/MyBot
leo-cli test .
Inside a bot or resource directory
cd /MySystem/MyService/bots/MyBot
leo-cli run .
Publishing a microservice will build all needed lambda functions into zip files and a cloudformation file. Those files are then uploaded to your publish s3 bucket.
The publish command must be run from a micorservice or bot directory
leo-cli publish .
- --region awsRegion Sets the AWS Region. default: us-west-2
- --filter idGlobExp Filters the lambdas deployed by the given glob expression. default: *
- --force botId|all Forces a bot to build even if the versions are the same (Must be included in --filter expression). default: false
- --run awsStackName Runs the generated cloudformation.json against the AWS Stack 'awsStackName'. If the stack doesn't exist, it will be crated
- --build Builds the cloudformation and lambdas but doesn't publish them to s3
- --public Makes the s3 publish folder public
Version of the build using the microservice or bot package.json file. If a bot is forced to be built and has the same version number the current timestamp will be appended to he version
Publish a Microservice with all new/updated bots
cd /MySystem/MyService
leo-cli publish .
Publish a Microservice and force all bots to build
cd /MySystem/MyService
leo-cli publish . --force all
Publish a single bot in a Microservice
cd /MySystem/MyService/bots/MyBot
leo-cli publish .
Publish a single bot or resource in a Microservice
cd /MySystem/MyService/bots/MyBot
leo-cli publish .
cd /MySystem/MyService
leo-cli publish . --filter MyBot
The deploy command can only be run after a microservice has been published. You must be inside a microservice directory to deploy.
The second parameter is the name of the AWS Stack for the microservice.
cd /MySystem/MyService
leo-cli deploy . TestMyService
leo-cli deploy . StageMyService
leo-cli deploy . ProdMyService