Each assignment in the Object-Oriented Design and Construction course comes with a corresponding guidebook and my design code. The aim of these assignments is to provide hands-on experience with object-oriented principles, programming practices, and the use of various tools and languages that are integral to modern software development.
The course is divided into four units:
Unit 1: Expression Parsing and Simplification Implementation This unit focuses on implementing an expression parser and simplifier. Students learn to analyze mathematical expressions, break them down into components, and simplify them according to algebraic rules. The skills gained in this unit form the foundation for more complex projects in subsequent units.
Unit 2: Multithreaded Programming - Elevator System Modeling In this unit, students delve into multithreaded programming by modeling an elevator system. They explore concurrency issues, synchronization mechanisms, and how to effectively manage multiple threads to simulate real-world systems like elevators.
Unit 3: Introduction to JML Language and Specifications Unit 3 introduces the Java Modeling Language (JML) and delves into the importance of specifications in programming and object-oriented design. Students learn how to write formal specifications for their programs, ensuring correctness and reliability.
Unit 4: UML Diagrams and Library Management System Simulation The final unit teaches students about UML class diagrams, state diagrams, and sequence diagrams. They apply this knowledge to simulate a library management system, integrating all the concepts learned throughout the course. The simulation project helps solidify understanding of object-oriented design and construction techniques.
第一单元:实现表达式解析和化简 第一单元作业主要实现表达式解析和化简。学生将学习分析数学表达式,将其分解成组件,并根据代数规则进行简化。第一单元的材料和代码位于Unit 1文件夹中。
第二单元:多线程编程——电梯系统建模 第二单元作业涉及多线程编程,通过完成对电梯系统的建模来探索并发问题、同步机制以及如何有效管理多个线程以模拟诸如电梯的真实世界系统。所有相关资源都在Unit 2文件夹中。
第三单元:认识JML语言和规格的意义 第三单元介绍JML语言,理解规格对于编程和面向对象的意义。学生将学习如何为程序编写正式的规格说明,确保正确性和可靠性。第三单元的材料位于Unit 3文件夹中。
第四单元:UML图与图书管理系统模拟 第四单元教授UML类图、状态图以及顺序图的知识,并模拟图书管理系统。学生将应用所学知识,整合整个课程中学到的概念。这个模拟项目有助于巩固面向对象设计与构造技术的理解。第四单元的所有必要材料都可在Unit 4文件夹中找到。