This is my vim configuration
- Vim with
feature - Vim with
feature - Nerd Fonts (for vim icons)
cd ~
git clone [email protected]:Lesords/vim-config.git ~/.vim --depth 1 --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules
cd ~
git clone [email protected]:Lesords/vim-config.git ~/.vim --depth=1
git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1
Mode | Shortcut Keys | Action |
Normal | Alt + h | Go to left window |
Normal | Alt + j | Go to downer window |
Normal | Alt + k | Go to upper window |
Normal | Alt + l | Go to right window |
Terminal | Alt + h | Go to left window |
Terminal | Alt + j | Go to downer window |
Terminal | Alt + k | Go to upper window |
Terminal | Alt + l | Go to right window |
Normal | gp | Return to the previous file |
Normal | Ctrl + s | Save file |
Normal | Ctrl + q | Quit |
Normal | Alt + s | Save file |
Normal | Alt + q | Quit |
Normal | Tab | Switch to next tab |
Normal | Backspace | Switch to the previous tab |
Normal | T | New Tab |
Normal | ,* | Count the number of occurrences of the current field |
Normal | ,c | Toggle conceal level |
Normal | Alt + t | Return to the original path |
Normal | Alt + i | Switch line style |
Normal | ,i | Switch indent size |
Normal | ,t | Switch between tab and space |
Normal | ,lg | Open lazygit |
Normal | Alt + m | Open Fern |
Normal | Alt + p | Open UndoTree |
Normal | Alt + n | Open Vista |
Normal | Alt + o | Open Floaterm |
Git Bash only
Mode | Shortcut Keys | Action |
Normal | ,o | Open the current file with the system default tool |
Normal | ,e | Open the current path with a file manager |
Shortcut Keys | Action |
o | Toggle Folder |
h | Close Folder |
l | Expand folder (open file) |
! | Show (disable) hidden files |
N | create a new file |
t | Open in a new tab |
T | Open in a new tab (background) |
i | Open the file in the upper window |
gi | Open the file in the upper window (background) |
s | Open the file in the left window |
gs | Open the file in the left window (background) |
< | Go to the previous directory |
> | Enter the current directory |
BackSpace | Go to the previous directory |
Enter | Enter the current directory |
r | Reload the file |
cd | Modify the current path |
Shortcut Keys | Action |
s | Position jump (two characters) |
,/ | Location jump (text search) |
,j | Jump up |
,k | Jump down |
Shortcut Keys | Action |
Ctrl + n | Start selecting the (next) text |
Ctrl + p | Return to previous text |
Ctrl + x | Skip current text |
Ctrl + j | Exit MultiCursor Mode |
Mode | Shortcut Keys | Action |
Normal | Alt + d | Toggle Signify |
Normal | ,gd | Create a new tab to compare changes |
Normal | ,gp | Use a float window to compare changes |
Normal | ,gu | Restore the contents of the current line |
Normal | ,gj | Jump to the last modified location |
Normal | ,gk | Jump to the next modified position |
Operation | ic | Cover modification range |
Operation | ac | Cover modification range |
Visual | ic | Cover modification range |
Visual | ac | Cover modification range |
Mode | Shortcut Keys | Action |
Normal | ,a= | Align text according to = |
Normal | ,a: | Align text according to : |
Visual | ,a= | Align text according to = |
Visual | ,a: | Align text according to : |
Mode | Shortcut Keys | Action |
Normal | ,ff | Search for files |
Normal | ,fb | Search Cache |
Normal | ,fm | Search History |
Normal | ,fl | Search Line |
Normal | ,fa | Search the current field(In all caches) |
Normal | ,fc | Search the current field(c/cpp related files only) |
Normal | ,fs | Search (input required) |
Normal | Alt + f | Search the current field |
Visual | gf | Search the current field |
Normal | go | Execute the last search operation again |
Normal | ,fg | Generate gtag files |
Normal | ,fr | Jump to reference |
Normal | ,fd | Jump to definition |
Normal | ,fo | Execute the jump operation again |
Normal | ,fn | Jump to the next matching result |
Normal | ,fp | Jump to the previous matching result |
Mode | Shortcut Keys | Action |
Normal | F7 | Create a new terminal |
Normal | F8 | Switch to the previous terminal |
Normal | F9 | Switch to the next terminal |
Normal | F12 | Toggle Terminal |
Mode | Shortcut Keys | Action |
Normal | Ctrl + m | Format all code |
Visual | Ctrl + m | Format the currently selected code |
Mode | Shortcut Keys | Action |
Normal | Alt + J | Move code down |
Normal | Alt + K | Move code up |
INSERT | Alt + J | Move code down |
INSERT | Alt + K | Move code up |
Visual | Alt + J | Move code down |
Visual | Alt + K | Move code up |