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This fork aims to extend pybpmn to handle UML class diagram images annotated with the uml-image-annotator and to convert them into a COCO dataset.

This repository also provides an example dataset consisting of 1 hand-sketched UML class diagram and its corresponding BPMN XML file to showcase how to be converted UML data needs to be structured. In this example, they are used for training, test and validation at the same time.

The demo.ipynb Jupyter notebook can still be used to visualize the extracted bounding boxes over a hand-sketched UML class diagram.

You can convert the example dataset into a COCO dataset by executing the script with the following command:

python scripts/ ./example-dataset/uml-dataset ./example-dataset/coco

It is also still possible to convert the hdBPMN dataset into a COCO dataset with the following command:

python scripts/ path/to/hdBPMN path/to/target/coco/directory/hdbpmn --mode=bpmn

Installation, Development and Dependency Management hasn't changed.

README of original repository - pybpmn

Starter code for using the hdBPMN dataset for diagram recognition research.

The script can be used to convert the images and BPMN XMLs into a COCO dataset. COCO is a common format used in computer vision research to annotate the objects and keypoints in images.

python scripts/ path/to/hdBPMN path/to/target/coco/directory/hdbpmn

Moreover, the demo.ipynb Jupyter notebook can be used to visualize (1) the extracted bounding boxes, keypoints, and relations, and (2) the annotated BPMN diagram overlayed over the hand-drawn image. Note that the latter requires the bpmn-to-image tool, which in turn requires a nodejs installation.


In order to set up the necessary environment:

  1. create an environment pybpmn with the help of conda:
    conda env create -f environment.yml
  2. activate the new environment with:
    conda activate pybpmn


NOTE: The conda environment will have pybpmn installed in editable mode. Some changes, e.g. in setup.cfg, might require you to run pip install -e . again.

Optional and needed only once after git clone:

  1. install JupyterLab kernel

    python -m ipykernel install --user --name "${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}" --display-name "$(python -V) (${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV})"
  2. install several pre-commit git hooks with:

    pre-commit install
    # You might also want to run `pre-commit autoupdate`

    and checkout the configuration under .pre-commit-config.yaml. The -n, --no-verify flag of git commit can be used to deactivate pre-commit hooks temporarily.

Dependency Management & Reproducibility

  1. Always keep your abstract (unpinned) dependencies updated in environment.yml and eventually in setup.cfg if you want to ship and install your package via pip later on.
  2. Create concrete dependencies as environment.lock.yml for the exact reproduction of your environment with:
    conda env export -n pybpmn -f environment.lock.yml
    For multi-OS development, consider using --no-builds during the export.
  3. Update your current environment with respect to a new environment.lock.yml using:
    conda env update -f environment.lock.yml --prune

Project Organization

├── LICENSE.txt             <- License as chosen on the command-line.
├──               <- The top-level README for developers.
├── data
│   ├── external            <- Data from third party sources.
│   ├── interim             <- Intermediate data that has been transformed.
│   ├── processed           <- The final, canonical data sets for modeling.
│   └── raw                 <- The original, immutable data dump.
├── docs                    <- Directory for Sphinx documentation in rst or md.
├── environment.yml         <- The conda environment file for reproducibility.
├── notebooks               <- Jupyter notebooks. Naming convention is a number (for
│                              ordering), the creator's initials and a description,
│                              e.g. `1.0-fw-initial-data-exploration`.
├── pyproject.toml          <- Build system configuration. Do not change!
├── scripts                 <- Analysis and production scripts which import the
│                              actual Python package, e.g.
├── setup.cfg               <- Declarative configuration of your project.
├──                <- Use `pip install -e .` to install for development or
│                              or create a distribution with `tox -e build`.
├── src
│   └── pybpmn              <- Actual Python package where the main functionality goes.
├── tests                   <- Unit tests which can be run with `py.test`.
├── .coveragerc             <- Configuration for coverage reports of unit tests.
├── .isort.cfg              <- Configuration for git hook that sorts imports.
└── .pre-commit-config.yaml <- Configuration of pre-commit git hooks.


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.0.1 and the dsproject extension 0.6.1.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • Jupyter Notebook 98.3%
  • Python 1.7%