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Quests 005_00007.IMG

Liam Mitchell edited this page Oct 14, 2015 · 5 revisions

Quest information records are stored in this file.

I have put it into a spreadsheet here:

Here is a 010 Template for what I know so far.

//--- 010 Editor v5.0 Binary Template
// File: Quest Template for Aeria 005_00007.IMG
// Author: Liam Mitchell
// Revision: 0
// Purpose: To learn about how Quests work in Twelve Sky.
// Defines a file record

typedef struct {
// Text<PageNumber>_<PartIndex>

    // Quest intro text before accepting
    char Text0_0[51];
    char Text0_1[51];
    char Text0_2[51];
    char Text0_3[51];
    char Text0_4[51];
    char Text0_5[51];
    char Text0_6[51];
    char Text0_7[51];
    char Text0_8[51];
    char Text0_9[51];
    char Text0_10[51];
    char Text0_11[51];
    char Text0_12[51];
    char Text0_13[51];
    char Text0_14[51];

    // Quest text after accepting.
    char Text1_0[51];
    char Text1_1[51];
    char Text1_2[51];
    char Text1_3[51];
    char Text1_4[51];
    char Text1_5[51];
    char Text1_6[51];
    char Text1_7[51];
    char Text1_8[51];
    char Text1_9[51];
    char Text1_10[51];
    char Text1_11[51];
    char Text1_12[51];
    char Text1_13[51];
    char Text1_14[51];

    char Text2_0[51];
    char Text2_1[51];
    char Text2_2[51];
    char Text2_3[51];
    char Text2_4[51];
    char Text2_5[51];
    char Text2_6[51];
    char Text2_7[51];
    char Text2_8[51];
    char Text2_9[51];
    char Text2_10[51];
    char Text2_11[51];
    char Text2_12[51];
    char Text2_13[51];
    char Text2_14[51];

    char Text3_0[51];
    char Text3_1[51];
    char Text3_2[51];
    char Text3_3[51];
    char Text3_4[51];
    char Text3_5[51];
    char Text3_6[51];
    char Text3_7[51];
    char Text3_8[51];
    char Text3_9[51];
    char Text3_10[51];
    char Text3_11[51];
    char Text3_12[51];
    char Text3_13[51];
    char Text3_14[51];

    char Text4_0[51];
    char Text4_1[51];
    char Text4_2[51];
    char Text4_3[51];
    char Text4_4[51];
    char Text4_5[51];
    char Text4_6[51];
    char Text4_7[51];
    char Text4_8[51];
    char Text4_9[51];
    char Text4_10[51];
    char Text4_11[51];
    char Text4_12[51];
    char Text4_13[51];
    char Text4_14[51];

    char Text5_0[51];
    char Text5_1[51];
    char Text5_2[51];
    char Text5_3[51];
    char Text5_4[51];
    char Text5_5[51];
    char Text5_6[51];
    char Text5_7[51];
    char Text5_8[51];
    char Text5_9[51];
    char Text5_10[51];
    char Text5_11[51];
    char Text5_12[51];
    char Text5_13[51];
    char Text5_14[51];

    char Text6_0[51];
    char Text6_1[51];
    char Text6_2[51];
    char Text6_3[51];
    char Text6_4[51];
    char Text6_5[51];
    char Text6_6[51];
    char Text6_7[51];
    char Text6_8[51];
    char Text6_9[51];
    char Text6_10[51];
    char Text6_11[51];
    char Text6_12[51];
    char Text6_13[51];
    char Text6_14[51];

    // Thanks Text for when you complete the quest
    char ThanksText0_0[51];
    char ThanksText0_1[51];
    char ThanksText0_2[51];
    char ThanksText0_3[51];
    char ThanksText0_4[51];
    char ThanksText0_5[51];
    char ThanksText0_6[51];
    char ThanksText0_7[51];
    char ThanksText0_8[51];
    char ThanksText0_9[51];
    char ThanksText0_10[51];
    char ThanksText0_11[51];
    char ThanksText0_12[51];
    char ThanksText0_13[51];
    char ThanksText0_14[51];

    char ThanksText2_0[51];
    char ThanksText2_1[51];
    char ThanksText2_2[51];
    char ThanksText2_3[51];
    char ThanksText2_4[51];
    char ThanksText2_5[51];
    char ThanksText2_6[51];
    char ThanksText2_7[51];
    char ThanksText2_8[51];
    char ThanksText2_9[51];
    char ThanksText2_10[51];
    char ThanksText2_11[51];
    char ThanksText2_12[51];
    char ThanksText2_13[51];
    char ThanksText2_14[51];

    char QuestText3_0[51];
    char QuestText3_1[51];
    char QuestText3_2[51];
    char QuestText3_3[51];
    char ThanksText3_4[51];
    char ThanksText3_5[51];
    char ThanksText3_6[51];
    char ThanksText3_7[51];
    char ThanksText3_8[51];
    char ThanksText3_9[51];
    char ThanksText3_10[51];
    char ThanksText3_11[51];
    char ThanksText3_12[51];
    char ThanksText3_13[51];
    char ThanksText3_14[51];
} Text;

// Structure for quest info record
typedef struct {
    // Header for the file
    SetBackColor( cLtGreen );
    uint ID;
    SetBackColor( cWhite );
    uint Unknown1;
    uint QuestNumber;  // 1 based number of quest for each clan.
    uint Level;        // Can also be level of monster to drop item.
    uint Unknown4;
    uint Unknown4a;
    uint Unknown5;
    uint InQuestDestPacket1; // This is in the quest destination packet, that client sends to server when it is at the spot a monster should spawn. I have no idea what it is.
    uint Unknown7;
    uint Unknown8;
    char Name[52];
    uint FromNPCID;
    uint Unknown10;
    uint Unknown11;
    uint Unknown12;
    uint Unknown13;
    uint Unknown14;
    uint ToNPCID;
    uint MonsterID;     // Can also be item that the monster of level will drop.
    uint Value;         // Used for item oramount to killl depending on quest type.
    uint Unknown17;
    uint Unknown18;
    uint Unknown19;
    uint RewardItem;
    uint Unknown21;
    uint RewardExperience;
    uint Unknown23;
    uint Unknown24;
    uint InitalTextPageCount;
    Text text;
    ushort Unknown25;

} questinfo;

uint RecordCount;
questinfo infos[RecordCount];

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