While I was an exchange student at the University of Florida, I had taken this class which focuses on understanding computer networks.
More information can be found Here.
During this class, I teamed up with 2 other students to build a Torrent client in Java.
This client allows multiple peers to hook up using UDP connects (through the Java Socket API), and then receive & sends pieces of a given file.
javac -d . src/project/*.java src/project/connection/*.java src/project/connection/piece/*.java src/project/exceptions/*.java src/project/message/*.java src/project/message/packet/*.java src/project/message/packet/packets/*.java src/project/message/InternalMessage/*.java src/project/message/InternalMessage/InternalMessages/*.java src/project/utils/*.java
Through batch
for /r %%a in (.) do (javac %%a\*.java)
java project.PeerProcess
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.