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File metadata and controls

207 lines (146 loc) · 5.65 KB

Azure Database for PostgreSQL Service

Azure Database for PostgreSQL is a relational database service based on the open source Postgres database engine. It is a fully managed database as a service offering capable of handling mission-critical workloads with predictable performance, security, high availability, and dynamic scalability.  Develop applications with Azure Database for PostgreSQL leveraging the open source tools and platform of your choice.



  1. Create a server.


  1. Check whether creating server succeeds or not.

  2. Configure firewall rules


 1. Collect credentials.


Do nothing


  1. Delete the server.


  1. Check whether deleting server succeeds or not.

Create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL service

  1. Get the service name and plans
cf marketplace

Sample output:

service              plans                                                                         description
azure-postgresqldb   basic50*, basic100*, standard100*, standard200*, standard400*, standard800*   Azure PostgreSQL Database Service

If you can not find the service name, please use the following command to make the plans public.

cf enable-service-access azure-postgresqldb
  1. Create a service instance

Configuration parameters are supported with the provision request. These parameters are passed in a valid JSON object containing configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file.

cf create-service azure-postgresqldb $service_plan $service_instance_name -c $path_to_parameters

Supported configuration parameters:

  "resourceGroup": "<resource-group>",        // [Required] Unique. Only allow up to 90 characters
  "location": "<azure-region-name>",          // [Required] support westus and northeurope only
  "postgresqlServerName": "<server-name>",    // [Required] Unique. Server name cannot be empty or null. It can contain only lowercase letters, numbers and '-', but can't start or end with '-' or have more than 63 characters. 
  "postgresqlServerParameters": {
      "allowPostgresqlServerFirewallRules": [ // [Optional] If present, ruleName, startIpAddress and endIpAddress are mandatory in every rule.
              "ruleName": "<rule-name-0>",    // The rule name can only contain 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -, _, and cannot exceed 128 characters
              "startIpAddress": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
              "endIpAddress": "xx.xx.xx.xx"
              "ruleName": "<rule-name-1>",
              "startIpAddress": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
              "endIpAddress": "xx.xx.xx.xx"
      "properties": {
          "version": "9.5" | "9.6",
          "sslEnforcement": "Enabled" | "Disabled",
          "storageMB": 51200 | 128000 | ... | 947200,
          "administratorLogin": "<server-admin-name>",
          "administratorLoginPassword": "<server-admin-password>"

For example:

cf create-service azure-postgresqldb basic100 postgresqldb -c examples/postgresqldb-example-config.json

The contents of examples/postgresqldb-example-config.json:

    "resourceGroup": "postgresqldbResourceGroup",
    "location": "westus",
    "postgresqlServerName": "postgresqlservera",
    "postgresqlServerParameters": {
        "allowPostgresqlServerFirewallRules": [
              "ruleName": "newrule",
              "startIpAddress": "",
              "endIpAddress": ""
        "properties": {
            "version": "9.6",
            "sslEnforcement": "Disabled",
            "storageMB": 51200,
            "administratorLogin": "myusername",
            "administratorLoginPassword": "myPASSw0rd"


  • Please remove the comments in the JSON file before you use it.
  1. Check the operation status of creating the service instance

The creating operation is asynchronous. You can get the operation status after the creating operation.

cf service $service_instance_name

For example:

cf service postgresqldb

More information.

Using the services in your application


cf bind-service $app_name $service_instance_name

For example:

cf bind-service demoapp postgresqldb

Format of Credentials

Verify that the credentials are set as environment variables

cf env $app_name

The credentials have the following format:

"credentials": {
  "postgresqlServerName": "postgresqlservera",
  "postgresqlServerFullyQualifiedDomainName": "",
  "administratorLogin": "ulrich",
  "administratorLoginPassword": "u1r8chP@ss",
  "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://{your_database}?user=ulrich@fake-server&password=u1r8chP@ss&ssl=true"


  • The character "&" in JDBC url is encoded into "\u0026" by the Cloud Controller. Your app may need to handle this.


cf unbind-service $app_name $service_instance_name

For example:

cf unbind-service demoapp postgresqldb

Delete the service instance

cf delete-service $service_instance_name -f

For example:

cf delete-service postgresqldb -f