A command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting with Solana programs.
Wallet Management
- Create new wallets
- Load existing wallets
- Print active wallet address
- Check SOL balances of active wallet
- Request SOL airdrops (devnet)
Token Operations
- List supported tokens
- View token details
- Add new tokens (admin only)
- Remove tokens (admin only)
- Mint SPL tokens to active wallet (admin only)
- Check token balances of active wallet
Transaction Features
- Deposit SOL to program vault
- Deposit SPL tokens to program vault
- View vault balances
- node.js
- npm
- tsc
npm install
- Start the REPL interface:
npm start
- Use the numbered menu to interact with different features:
- 1-3: Wallet management
- 4-5: SOL operations
- 6-9: Token management
- 10-15: Transaction operations
- 16: Exit
- The program uses Solana devnet by default
- Default wallet path is set to
- Program ID: