[Typescript support && Codebase code coverage]
Breaking changes
- Rename Account.addAuthorityKey to Account.addOnBehalfKey
- Rename Account.executiveAuth to Account.authority
- New way to access contract actions and tables
ActionsTablesconst tokenContract = await eoslime.Contract.at('contract name'); // Before tokenContract.issue(params, options) // Now tokenContract.actions.issue([params], options)
const tokenContract = await eoslime.Contract.at('contract name'); // Before tokenContract.balances() // Now tokenContract.tables.balances()
- Contract.on('deploy')
// Before Contract.on('deploy', (tx, contract) => {})) // Now Contract.on('deploy', (contract, tx) => {}))
- Remove AuthorityAccount
- Deprecate Account.createSubAuthority
- Replace createSubAuthority with addAuthority
const account = await eoslime.Account.createRandom(); // ------------ [ Before ] ------------ // Add subAuthority and return an instance of AuthorityAccount const subAuthorityAccount = await account.createSubAuthority('subauthority'); // Add what actions the new authority could access await subAuthorityAccount.setAuthorityAbilities([ { action: 'produce', contract: faucetContract.name } ]); // ------------ [ Now ] ------------ // Add subAuthority and return tx receipt const tx = await account.addAuthority('subauthority'); // Add what actions the new authority could access await account.setAuthorityAbilities('subauthority', [ { action: 'produce', contract: faucetContract.name } ]); const subAuthorityAccount = eoslime.Account.load('name', 'key', 'subauthority');
- Typescript support
- Refactor CLI commands
- Fix nodeos pre-loaded accounts to have different keys
- Unit tests for all CLI commands
- Return transaction receipts on every chain iteraction
- Use logger instead console.log
- Update Kylin network endpoint
- Add Jungle3 support
- Remove the check requiring an executor to be provided on contract instantiation. Without executor, one could fetch only the data from the contract tables
- contract.action.sign(params)
// Before contract.action.sign(params) // Now // Options are the same like the ones for contract.action(params, options) contract.actions.action.sign([params], options)
- contract.action.getRawTransaction(params)
// Before contract.action.getRawTransaction(params) // Now // Options are the same like the ones for contract.action(params, options) contract.actions.action.getRawTransaction([params], options)