An application to search for a city and view its weather conditions & forecast.
Here you will find files for a web application that allows the user to look up the current weather and 5-day forecast in any city.
Dynamically updated CSS and Bootstrap lend a clean display of weather details. Utilizing local storage, the JavaScript and JQuery assure that the up-to-date weather of the user's most recently searched city displays when the page is refreshed or reopened. The date is kept current using the Moment.js library, and real-time weather data is retrieved using AJAX calls to the Open Weather Map API.
To use this program, use your browser to go to
Type a city in the text field, or choose a city from the list once you have searched cities.
Thank you to my great support system of peers, TAs, tutor, and instructors through the U of M Coding Bootcamp!
In particular:
The Unlicense