Releases: LinguaPhylo/linguaPhylo
LPhy v1.6.1
User manual:
LPhy doc:
New features and bug fixes:
- UCLN ParametricDistribution for relaxed clock #488
- Unit test for SLPhy #524
- Miss GeneratorInfo for generating LPhy Doc #525
- No bounds in Exp #526
- arange(start=0.0, stop=2.0, step=0.1) has null in the last element #527
- DoubleArray2DEditor null exception #528
- Add distance function #529
- readNexus function does not support datatypes in extension packages #531
- Data clamping bug #532
- Add dependency org.apache.mahout.math #534
LPhy v1.6.0
The project has been transitioned to use Maven, which can automatically set up the IntelliJ project.
The command line to start the studio: YOUR_PATH/bin/lphystudio
Significant changes:
- Re-run model block code if data block updated. #66
- Console cannot recognise existing variables #183
- Extract vectorMatch from ParserUtils #364
- Make Viewer extendable #453
- Make sure sample() method is only called by 3 scenarios: #473
- Change to setup IntelliJ as Maven project #498
- An option to choose resampling to go through parser #503
- DiscretizeGamma needs to renormalise category rates #514
New features and bug fixes:
- Improve studio GUI layout #273
- Use ParameterNames to collect some frequently used parameter names #281
- suppress unnamed argument in graphic model #370
- Cannot find the sequence type in SequenceTypeLoader in the integration test #397
- readTree function #419
- GUI is stuck with large alignment #434
- simulate method should not log #443
- ReadFasta needs to guess sequence types #445
- Parser bug to handle the vector containing variables #447
- The static method to import an alignment in a fasta format from reader #448
- Generic the Table column #449
- ValueCreator cannot handle List #452
- It should have a default ValueFormatter instead of throwing Exception #455
- Unit test getOldestNode() #460
- Implement LocalClock for FLC #461
- LPhy argument matching does not handle the array of objects #464
- Sample method called twice #468
- Trees from 'readTrees' Cannot Apply in PhyloCTMC #469
- Add a New Object TimeTreeBranch #470
- Change Exponential growth function name #471
- Implement SampleBranch Distribution #472
- Implement SubstituteClade Function #475
- Improve GuessType in ReadDelim #476
- Lphy script throw "Row names 0 must be same to the sample count 1 !" error after pressing Sample button #477
- some GenerativeDistribution missing setParam #478
- Improve ValueEditor in studio #479
- Some leaf nodes are not considered as leaf nodes in getInternalNodes() #481
- implement setUnion function #482
- merge popFunc viewer #483
- IllegalArgumentException in sampler #485
- implement SubsampledTree function #489
- implement MRCA function #490
- let PhyloCTMC use branch rates from tree if not given #491
- Resample birthDeathOnRootAgeAndTaxa.lphy and birthDeathRhoSampling.lphy fail randomly #492
- setParam should throw Exception #493
- implement labelClade function #494
- save metaData for internal nodes when writing Newick tree #495
- Unit tests throw NoClassDefFoundError while running #500
- Add constant popSize #501
- ReadFasta can accept not aligned sequences fasta file and throw out of index error #507
- Method call for Table #508
- After loading a script, the data and model panel does not show the code #510
- correct implementation of Sequence #511
- move setState to TaxaCharacterMatrix #512
- make TaxaCharacterMatrix loggable #517
- Log internal node sequences #518
- Save files to directory #519
- Broken links in file. #520
LPhy v1.5.0
New command line for SLPhy to replace values in a lphy script using Macro language:
YOUR_PATH/slphy -D 'n=5;L=50' MacroLanguage.lphy
Significant changes:
- Refactor the core and split function and distribution to base #294
- Improve parser grammar and the implementation of LPhyMetaParser #372
- Untangle cyclic dependencies #384
- Refactoring and merge SPI and Loaders #400
- Introduce macro language to lphy script #420
- new interface for writing values to a file #437
New features and bug fixes:
- Data clamping needs more work #284
- ReadDelim function #409
- removeTaxa function #412
- LPhy doc not show parameters are optional #413
- ElementWise2ArgsTest.test1DPlus2D test should not look for lphy.base.spi.LPhyBaseImpl #414
- Creating taxa and set dates from TableValue returned by readDelim #415
- SpeciesTaxa has wrong view in studio #418
- codeString bug for taxa(names=1:n) #421
- SLPhy script not working #422
- The position of replicates is incorrectly changed after the script is rendered #423
- Register the missing functions in the core #424
- GeneratorInfo annotation is not found #425
- Exception when loading example jcCoal.lphy #427
- The module not loading properly in the Gradle tests after splitting core and base #428
- Improve the simulator code #429
- move CanonicalCodeBuilder to the core #430
- LPhyValueFormatter SPI not working in LPhyBEAST #431
- OutputSystem bug FileNotFoundException #432
- Recover unit test after significant change in SPI #435
- Add SLPhy command argument to specify which random var(s) not logged #438
- IID RuntimeException for Expected VectorizedRandomVariable after data clamping #441
- OutputSystem bug to handle the output dir #442
LPhy v1.4.5
Patch release for a bug fix:
- CharSet parsing is incorrect #411
Download and move the lphy-1.4.5.jar
into your lphy lib folder, such as /Applications/lphystudio-1.4.4/lib
in Mac, and delete the old jar file (lphy-1.4.4.jar
) and keep the rest unchanged.
![Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 12 11 16 PM](
LPhy v1.4.4
LPhy v1.4.3
Bug fixes:
- Narrative says Pr(null|....) #385
- Correct vector index in Narrative #390
- Null Id in CompoundVectorValue when sampling #394
For Linux, we recommend unzipping the "lphy-studio-*.zip" file to the /usr/local
. directory. By doing so, the launch script for LPhyBEAST will automatically detect the library path $LPHY_LIB. Alternatively, you have the option to manually assign the environment variable $LPHY_LIB to the location where LPhy Studio is installed if you choose to install it in a different directory.
LPhy v1.4.2
Setup instructions:
Significant changes:
New features and bug fixes:
- Problem for the Greek characters rendered incorrectly in Windows due to new installer #145
- Allow home directory variable to path #288
- RSV2 narrative metadataalignment #316
- Fix jekyll heading rendering in LPhy 1.4.1 reference docs #331
- RuntimeException: Expected VectorizedRandomVariable #302
- Edit value does fresh panel #307
- Windows version of slphy #323
- Update reference manual markdown files #325
- Command line slphy scripts produce ClassNotFoundException #327
- No viewer for 2d Integer array #338
- Add hyperprior example #344
- Cannot use build-in function in model #345
- Improve IID err message #346
- Document ANTLR grammar #347
- Add hyper prior model #348
- Add option in preferences for hiding toolbar #351
- Update images in manuscript figure to hide toolbar and OS specific images #352
- LPhy Studio console should default to model panel #354
- add ifelse function #358
- add product(array[]) function #360
- Array2DValue toString Exception #361
- change logical operation from BinaryOperator to BiFunction #362
- Refactor ElementWise2Args #363
- rename lphy.core.LPhyParser #368
- Add BooleanArray2DEditor #369
LPhy v1.4.1
Setup instructions:
New features:
- User friendly installer #274
- Add sort function #280
- Implement Map viewer #290
- Add output to simulate function to log true values #291
- Generation of a single sequence as root sequence #296
- Add save alignment dropdown to File menu #297
- Command line simulator #301
- History buffer in console #304
- Colorblind friendly palette #305
- Create scripts for command line #308
Bug fixes and improvements:
- Improve the example scripts #218
- Improve LPhy studio menu #252
- Improve error message in constructGenerator #268
- Set working dir in unit test not working in jcCoal.lphy #269
- Gradle run not set user.dir #270
- Sampling a fraction of sites and then duplicating alignments #275
- Exception when 'round' function returned Double #276
- NullPointerException: String.startsWith(String) #277
- FileSystemNotFoundException #282
- Simulate function sample twice #283
- Sample bug to break graphical model #285
- Issues at simulate function #287
- The alignment clamped should show the clamped data, not simulated data #289
- Vertical JSplitPane's bar hangs when the studio is empty #293
- Alignment tab in LPhyStudio should not be editable #298
- Tutorial in menu is confusing #303
- Confusing narratives for PhyloCTMC #311
- Repeated the in narrative of datatypes #314
- Add license for Oracle toolbar icons #315
- Update readme with new colors #317
- Split the lphy.graphicalModel.Utils into 2 classes #324
LPhy v1.4.0
This release is supporting the lphybeast's migration to use BEAST 2.7.x.
Require Java 17. Download and unzip the Zip file, and use the following command line to launch LPhy Studio in the directory.
java -p lib -m lphystudio
Critical changes:
- Require LPhy to upgrade ANTLR to 4.11.1 #261
Bug fixes and new features:
- Upgrade JUnit version from 5.8.2 to 5.9.0 #246
- upgrade publisher of unit test results to version 2 #247
- Add Lineage-through-time plot to tree viewer #248
- [] can be removed in the label of constants #249
- Add TimeTree test #251
- LPhy studio keeps previous view in the Current tab after reloading new script #253
- Export Alignment #254
- Support counting constant sites #255
- Create lphy.graphicalModel.logger package #256
- disable build folder at root project #257
- Logging intermediate alignments #259
- Allow data clamping the alignment simulated by 2nd lphy script #260
- Move Newick parser to lphy.parser #264
LPhy v1.3.2
New LPhy doc: 1) add built-in functions, 2) categorise generative distributions and functions into few categories, 3) add links to types in the MD doc, 4) enable the extension doc to create links to lphy core types, 5) implement annotation to add descriptions for types.
Completely reorganise examples, and make them easy to find by categories named as subfolders.
Critical change:
- Rename DiscreteUniform #229
Bug fixes and new features:
- Add Negative Binomial distribution #211
- BirthDeathSampling(lambda=λ, mu=0.0, rho=0.6349, rootAge=65.092); not working #224
- Remove java class for math functions e.g. abs, floor, ceil, round #226
- Improve LPhy Doc #227
- Rename PriorDistributionGenerator to ParametricDistribution #230
- Add offset to LogNormal #231
- Parser did not catch the err of having no ; #234
- probit function should be numerical implementation of the inverse error function #237
- module lphy does not export enough packages #238
- extract getGeneratorMarkdown out from Generator #239
- Add a description to the markdown of data types #240
- Allow 1-level sub-folder to organise LPhy scripts in the examples #241
- assert if any Exception in the test to run lphy examples #242
- fix the URL in the extension doc #243
- LPhy data types should be init when register extensions #244
See also