Battleship as inspired by Tetris 99
Overview The Battleship App is a web-based game for playing the classic game "Battleship" with the addition of being able to play against more than one opponent at a time. You can create an account, create a lobby, invite people to your lobby, and play a game. Additionally, players can chat in real time with other players in their lobby.
Tables User table, Holds login information Match table, Holds meta data (players, winner, turn count) Turn table, Holds game info (where was attacked) Layout table, Holds starting ship locations Friends table, Holds a list of user connections Chat history table, Holds record of messages sent to chat
User Stories As a user, I should be able to sign up for an account As a user, I should be able to create a lobby that other players can join As a user, I should be able to invite players to my lobby As a user, I should be able to chat with other players in my lobby As a user, I should be able to play a game of battleship As a user, I should be able to add friends
Tech Stack C# PostgreSQL DB EF Core Xunit Serilog Azure Github Actions Angular Stream API Oauth Sonar Cloud
MVP Create account Play a game of battleship Chat with other players Player Statistics (user page) Global leaderboard
Stretch Goals Game settings (player count, ship count, missile shape) Bots to act as other players
Research SIGNAL R (Web Sockets)