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          Demo Video - Library           |         Demo Video - Reading         |           Demo Video - AI Recaps

Bookord Library - Demo Bookord Reading - Demo Bookord AI Recaps - Demo

 ResponsiveVoice used under
                              Non-Commercial License

Based on Electron React Webpack Typescript template by @codesbiome


Books are stored at %APPDATA%/bookord/Books (Windows)

Download link


Install dependencies using npm:

npm install

Start : Development

To develop and run your application, you need to run following command.
Start electron application for development :

npm run dev

Package : Production

Customize and package your Electron app with OS-specific bundles (.app, .exe etc)

npm run package

Make : Production

Making is a way of taking your packaged application and making platform specific distributables like DMG, EXE, or Flatpak files (amongst others).

npm run make

Publish : Production

Publishing is a way of taking the artifacts generated by the make command and sending them to a service somewhere for you to distribute or use as updates. (This could be your update server or an S3 bucket)

npm run publish