The low level componentry of, including the required CSS stylesheet.
- Context.js: The top-level container for a piece of the document.
- ElementAllocator.js: Internal helper object to Context, which handles the process of creating and allocating document elements for use in Surfaces (for internal engine only).
- Engine.js: The singleton object initiated upon process startup which manages all active Contexts, runs the render dispatch loop, and acts as a listener and dispatcher for events.
- Entity.js: A singleton that maintains a global registry of rendered surfaces (for internal engine only).
- EventEmitter.js: EventEmitter represents a channel for events.
- EventHandler.js: EventHandler forwards received events to a set of provided callback functions. It allows events to be captured, processed, and optionally piped through to other event handlers.
- Group.js: An internal Context designed to contain surfaces and set properties to be applied to all of them at once (for internal engine only).
- Modifier.js: A collection of visual changes to be applied to another renderable component.
- OptionsManager.js: A collection of methods for setting options which can be extended onto other classes.
- RenderNode.js: A wrapper for inserting a renderable component (like a Modifer or Surface) into the render tree.
- Scene.js: Builds and renders a scene graph based on a declarative structure definition.
- SpecParser.js: This object translates the rendering instructions that renderable components generate into document update instructions (for internal engine only).
- Surface.js: A base class for viewable content and event targets inside an application.
- Transform.js: A high-performance matrix math library used to calculate affine transforms on surfaces and other renderables.
- View.js: Useful for quickly creating elements within applications with large event systems.
- ViewSequence.js: Helper object used to iterate through items sequentially. Used in views that deal with layout.
- Mark Lu [email protected]
Copyright (c) 2014 Famous Industries, Inc.
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