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Exception handling

moattarwork edited this page Dec 14, 2022 · 1 revision

Ideally we shouldn't worry about global exceptions however experience shows that such APIs barely exist if at all. First, let's start with the goals for our exception handling strategy:

  • Show full details in DEV environment
  • Surface only user-friendly exceptions in non-DEV environments
  • Replace any non-user friendly exceptions with a pre-configured error message in non-DEV environments
  • Allow choosing the level of detail we want to expose via error messages
  • Flow exception through a number of API's to the caller

Basically we want to have APIs that can distinguish between SYSTEM ERRORS and USER ERRORS, first one being simply a fault which user has no control over and is not able to do anything about it. The best bet is to contact IT support. USER ERRORS on the other hand should tell exactly what went wrong and how to fix it. In order to achieve this, we need to tell our application what is a friendly exception, in other words when an exception is thrown, how to know if it should be surfaced or not? To achieve this we need help from the developer of the API's, so we ask the developer to create a MyApplicationBaseException which derives from Exception class and tell us about this exception type when the API is configured:

public sealed class Startup
    // Code omitted for clarity

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            app => app
                .AddServices((container, config) => {})

    // Code omitted for clarity

You are DONE! This will treat any exception that is derived from MyApplicationBaseException class as a user-friendly error and will return it with 4xx status code and the contents of the exception message and its nested exception messages. There is a little bit more that is going on behind the scenes here. When message hierarchy is built all exceptions in the hierarchy that are not user-friendly will simply be skipped. Let say we encountered the following error:

  • MyApplicationException1
    • AggregateException
      • Exception
      • MyApplicationException2

The resulting message will look like so:

  • MyApplicationException1
    • MyApplicationException2

The actual error structure that is returned to the user is:

public sealed class Startup
    public sealed class ErrorResponse
        public string Message { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<Error> UserErrors { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<Error> RawErrors { get; set; }
  • The message property will have a nicely formatted error ready to be displayed in a UI. (Always returned)
  • UserErrors will contain a hierarchy of * user-friendly* error messages if you wish to format them to your own liking (Only returned if the level of detail is set to StandardMessage)
  • RawErrors normally will be empty, however, in case it's enabled, it will contain FULL exception messages hierarchy (Returned when LevelOfDetail is set to DetailedErrors)

What if you have more than one exception type we want to treat as user-friendly? This may sound odd at first, I mean we have a base exception for our entire application and that's it, right? Well, not necessarily, we may have a 3rd party plugin or other API that throws exceptions we want to surface to our user but have no control over base types. In that case, we can handle additional exceptions by simply chaining .AndHandle<>() method after our app base exception has been configured like so:

public sealed class Startup
    // Code omitted for clarity

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            app => app
                .AddServices((container, config) => {})

    // Code omitted for clarity

We may handle one or more additional exceptions, currently there is no limit on it, however, normally you wouldn't expect to have more than 2 or 3 exception types configured here.

We may also have a more advanced case, say we want to treat exception as * user-friendly* only if certain conditions are met. A good example of that is ApiException, we only want to forward this if it has a StatusCode 4xx, but not if its 5xx, due to the fact that users can't do anything about server errors. We can filter exceptions by supplying a predicate:

public sealed class Startup
    // Code omitted for clarity

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            app => app
                .AndHandle<ApiException>(f => f.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
                .AddServices((container, config) => {})

    // Code omitted for clarity

The last and most complex case, which I will touch only ligthly are custom error builders. We may wanna handle an exception and override the default error builder, which essentially allows us to craft a custom error message based on the information we have in the exception. A good example of this is handling ApiException, since our desired LevelOfError may or may not be the same as the child API that throws the error, we need to recalculate error hierarchy for ApiException per API. This is handled for you by the framework already, but if you encounter cases where you do need such behavior, you will need to implement IErrorBuilder and provide an instance of it via an overload available in AndHandle(b => b.Use(new MyErrorBuilder())).

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