Scrapes and stores banksimple transaction history, extends it with custom data, gives a front end for visualizing and updating txn data
Got ideas about this project? Feel free to file issues and view the trello board here:
Clone this repo git clone GIT_URL DESTINATION_NAME
enter the folder cd DESTINATION_NAME
install w/ npm i
open 2 terminal windows in the project dir
in window 1, run mongod
- if it complains, run
ps -ef | grep mongod
to find old instances - kill them with
kill -9 XXXXX
where XXXXXX is the process ID of an old instance - when the old instances are dead, try
in window 2, run nodemon
- you should get a confirmation that mongoose connected
View at localhost:3000
Note: If you're modifying the front end, you'll also want to run webpack --watch
in a 3rd window.
Get all notes
Takes array of transaction UUIDs as an array, gets all notes that match.
Create or update a single note
Gets a single note for a given transactionn UUID
Updates a single note for a given transaction UUID
Delete a single note for a given transaction UUID
Get all transactions
Create or update a single transaction
Get a single transaction for a given transaction UUID
Update a single transaction for a given transaction UUID
Delete a single transaction for a given transaction UUID
Logs in with credentials from secrets and downloads all TXNS from bank