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Alexandre Curreli edited this page Aug 18, 2014 · 18 revisions

The Redis class provides the full feature set of scredis in one place. It is a non-blocking Client which also holds a lazily initialized BlockingClient and a lazily initialized SubscriberClient. In other words, a Redis instance can contain from one to three active clients/connections.


A Redis instance can be initialized similarly to a regular Client except that it does not require an ActorSystem as it automatically creates one.

Full usage example

import scredis._
import scala.util.{ Success, Failure }

// Creates a Redis instance with default configuration (see reference.conf)
val redis = Redis()

// Import the intenral ActorSystem's dispatcher (execution context) to register callbacks
import redis.dispatcher

// Send a GET request and register a callback
redis.get("foo").onComplete {
  case Success(Some(value)) => // do something with the value
  case Success(None) => // there is no value associated to key 'foo'
  case Failure(e) => // an error occurred while processing the request

// Send a blocking request using the internal, lazily initialized BlockingClient and match upon
// the result
redis.blocking.brPop(timeoutSeconds = 5, "list") match {
  case Success(Some((key, value))) => // do something with the popped value
  case Success(None) => // there was no value to be popped
  case Failure(e) => // an error occurred while processing the request

// Subscribe to a channel using the internal, lazily initialized SubscriberClient
redis.subscriber.subscribe("channel") {
  case message @ PubSubMessage.Message(channel, messageBytes) => {
    val messageString = message.readAs[String]()
    // do something with the message

Global commands

Redis overrides four commands in order to keep all its internal clients in sync, namely auth, select, clientSetName and quit.


Calling redis.auth(password) will authenticate the non-blocking client as well as all initialized clients. If a client has not been used yet, it will save the password so that once it gets initialized, it will automatically authenticate with the latest set password.


The same holds for


The same holds for redis.clientSetName(name).


Upon executing redis.quit(), the non-blocking client as well as all initialized clients will be sending a QUIT command to the Redis server.