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Peter Jiang edited this page May 21, 2023 · 5 revisions

Is Lodestone free?

Yes. We strive to make Lodestone open source and free for personal use.

What makes Lodestone unique from all the other server wrappers?

Lodestone focuses on the user experience. We believe game server hosting can be a simple process with no cost. Our UI is so intuitive that even your grandma can use it!

Lodestone also have a unique set of features that makes it easy to use for a novice user, and extremely powerful for power users. Some of the features include:

  • True one-click setup, we manage all the dependencies for you!
  • Collaborative server management
  • Individual user account & permissions
  • Real-time notification
  • Remote file explorer

Is Lodestone safe?

Safety is our top priority. Since Lodestone is self-hosted, you have full control of your data at all times. Lodestone account credentials are hashed and stored securely and locally.

Since we are open-source, you can always check the code and compile it from source if you would like.

Why do I need to enable mixed/insecure content and disable HTTPS? Is this safe?

You don't need to do this if you are accessing Lodestone Core via localhost

Since your connection to our web app ( is via HTTPS, your browser will not allow the website to connect to a non-HTTPS web server, which is what Lodestone Core is. There is very little risk in doing so, as someone would have to perform a man-in-the-middle attack on your local network to be able to intercept the connection between the web app and Lodestone Core.

To mitigate this, you can either

  • run lodestone Core locally and connect to it via localhost
  • run lodestone Core on a server with a valid SSL certificate and connect to it via HTTPS
  • use a tunneling service such as ngrok or to create a secure tunnel to your lodestone Core instance

Can I use Lodestone in my project?

As long as your project license is compatible with APGL (this usually means your project has to be open source too), and you attribute us, you are good to go!

If you would like a different license please raise an issue or contact us on Discord.

What is Lodestone Core? How is it different from Lodestone

Lodestone Core is the "backend" of Lodestone that takes in requests from the dashboard and forwards them to the server executable. It also manages files, backups, user accounts & permissions, and more. Lodestone Core can be installed and run via Lodestone CLI

Lodestone Desktop is comprised of Lodestone Core and a dashboard with which the user interacts.

For more specific questions regarding the usage of Lodestone please visit How Tos