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Mathieu edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 11 revisions


The Bridge SDK functionality allows to be accessed via API calls. We have simplified the calling mechanism and is now accessible via simple websocket calls that you can integrate in your app. Have a look at the WebUI folder in the software folder to have a peek at the possibilities.


You can replicate all the functionality that you see implemented in BridgeUI.html (in WebUI folder, see zip) file.

You can either requests to read data with:

function RequestData(apiCall, onMessageFunc)

which eventually calls this ws function call:

SeraphAPICall("/bridgeAPI", '{\"name\":\"' + apiCall + '\",\"value\":\"' + 0 + '\"}', onMessageFunc);

Where the parameter apiCall can be either:

  • RequestData("getSkinsList",f);
  • RequestData("getTrackedDevices",f);

Or you want to write a value of parameters with this function:

function SetGenericType(name, value)

which eventually calls this ws function call:

SeraphAPICall("/bridgeAPI", '{\"name\":\"' + name + '\",\"value\":\"' + value + '\"}', onMessageFunc);

Where the parameter name can be either:

  • showKeyboard and the value ON or OFF
  • showHands where value = ON or OFF
  • overlayAlpha and value is between 0 and 1
  • setKeyboardSkin and value is the string name of the keyboard
  • handVizMode value can be either luminance, simpleRGformula or passthrough
  • handsAlpha value is between 0 and 1
  • luminanceThreshold value is between 0 and 1
  • erodeThreshold value is between 0 and 1

and more are available. Let us know if you have any trouble finding what you need, or if you have any other specific need.

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