This project was my Final Project of Undergraduate 🏊 Multi-feature based pulse wave classification author: Loki Xun
Enlightened by Two-stream CNN
in video action recognition field, we apply this thought to the wave classification task. Designing the similar frame concept by clipping the wave data within certain length, we introduce the Two-stream
Model in pulse wave classification,which is compose of Frequency and Time Stream.
For frequency stream 🍺
we convert 1D wave data into Fbank
feature (2D matrix),and thus convert the wave classification to the image classification task. And we employ the ResNet50 as our frequency stream's model.
For Time stream ⌚ we directly convert 1D wave data(1x2400 length data) into RNN input shape (batchsize, 40,60), and use BiLSTM and Transformer Encoder to classify.
For the fusion part, we have tried 2 methods:
late-fusion 👍 Fuse two-stream model's softmax output (1x7 embedding) with certain Rule, like Average、Maximum、Add
two-model's output, continue to infer forward by one Dense Layer to get the output.
原始共 7 类脉诊数据,分别对应不同脉象,每一类样本为 1D 波形数据(幅值)以 txt 形式存储; 每例数据采集时间为60s,这期间包含多个完整周期,对数据进行截取,得到多个单个完整周期,作为本次实验所需的数据集
{"滑脉": 0,"平脉": 1,"实脉": 2, "细脉": 3,"细弦脉": 4,"弦滑脉": 5,"弦脉": 6}
采样时间:共 998 个样本,采样时间长度:899 个为 60s,99 个为 6s;
采样率 sample rate
90% 样本采样率在 724 Hz,最小采样率为 666.13 Hz:1 个,最大采样率 730.67Hz 3 个
所有 7 类样本区分为:train 训练集、validate 验证集、test 测试集
- test 集合选取:由于每一类样本太少,为使得测试结果有更高可信度:从每一类种选取 5 个样本加入 test 集合
- 剩下数据,在分片后,选择 90% 的分片作为 train,10% 的分片作为 validate 集合数据
Why do you need to split data?
We don’t want our model to over-learn from training data and perform poorly after being deployed in production.
Train Dataset
用于 fit 模型的数据
Valid Dataset
Set of data used to provide an unbiased evaluation of a model fitted on the training dataset ⭐while tuning model hyperparameters.
Also play a role in other forms of model preparation, such as feature selection, threshold cut-off selection.
Test Dataset
- Set of data used to provide an unbiased evaluation of a final model fitted on the training dataset.
实验采用单个周期的波形数据,例如取 400 个采样点作为一个周期数据,需要统一采样率
time_index_list = np.linspace(start=0, stop=wave_data_array.shape[1] - 1, num=math.ceil(origin_time_length * target_sample_rate), dtype=int) downsampled_data = wave_data_array[:, time_index_list]
scipy 信号重采样(对应 matlab resample):可执行降采样 or 上采样
先使用 zero-phase 低通滤波,再进行降采样
from scipy.signal import resample_poly downsampled_data = resample_poly(wave_data_array[0, :], up=target_sample_rate, down=current_sample_rate) downsampled_data = resample(wave_data_array[0, :], num=int(target_sample_rate * origin_time_length)) # 返回 ndarray shape=(n,) downsampled_data = downsampled_data.reshape((1, downsampled_data.shape[0]))
ECG 去基线漂移+去噪 3 种方案 👍 sym8 小波进行去噪 心电图分类 paper with code:ECG Heartbeat Classification 获取波峰
模型层面:Focal Loss
选取 280
- 根据公式,减少少数类帧移,增加多数类帧移
# 调整前
y_train distribution:{2: 14660, 1: 14523, 5: 24716, 6: 39882, 0: 11820, 4: 16369, 3: 11816}
# 调整后
y_train distribution:{2: 22014, 1: 19275, 5: 20164, 6: 19998, 0: 20109, 4: 19619, 3: 19600}
Fbank bares more information because MFCC feature was added one DCT transform based on Fbank. The DCT transform lower the dimension of the freature.
🐬 Bi-LSTM 和 transformer 也可以对频域数据处理
paper with code 2013 bi-lstm + attention 文本分类 👍 可以参考 ECG 心电信号分类