The task is to develop a web page that displays new album releases and single releases.
Once cloned, navigate to the project's root directory and this project uses npm (Node Package Manager) to manage its dependencies.
The command below is a combination of installing dependencies, opening up the project on VS Code and it will run a development server on your terminal.
npm i && code . && npm run dev
Initially, I structured React components such as App, Header, and Album, striving to grasp the fundamentals of component-based development. I utilized .map() to iterate through the album data, a concept I had recently learned, to dynamically render each album's details. As I delved deeper, I encountered challenges in implementing hover effects and ensuring the app's responsiveness across various devices. However, through research and experimentation with CSS, I managed to overcome these hurdles. Reflecting on this experience, I recognize the value of hands-on learning and am eager to continue honing my skills as a web developer.
See instructions of this project