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A timer for an "Everythingathon" for streaming platform Twitch

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A timer for an "Everythingathon" for streaming platform Twitch. The stream lasts as long as the timer does not hit 0, and different events adds more time to the timer. An Everythingathon is similar to a Subathon, but in a Subathon only subscriptions add time to the timer, whereas in an Everythingathon other events add time too (following, cheering bits, donating, raiding).


Create a Twitch Application

  1. Head to Twitch Developer Console Portal and log in with your Twitch details.
  2. Create an application by clicking Register Your Application from the Dashboard page.
  3. Give the application a name and select Chat Bot as the category.
  4. For the OAuth Redirect URL, enter
  5. Click Create to finish creating the Twitch application.

Setup Node.js and download the source code

  1. Download Node.js using the installer on their website.
  2. Download the source code for Everythingathon-Twitch.
  3. Extract the files into a single folder.
  4. Open a command prompt window in this directory (Shift + Right Click in the folder is an easy way to do this), and then type npm install.

Setup the variables in .env file

  1. Open the .env file, in the Everythingathon-Twitch directory, in a text editor.
  2. To get TMI_PASSWORD:
  • Go to this website and click Connect.
  • Copy the provided OAuth password (e.g. oauth:c6ababco2v8120abcd5ei3f315g5h) and paste it in the speech marks for TMI_PASSWORD in the .env file.
  1. To get CLIENT_ID:
  • Go to the Twitch Developer Console Portal, find your Application, and click Manage.
  • Copy the value for Client ID (e.g. ab5cd4efghij355kl6m1nop4q7038r) and paste it in the speech marks for CLIENT_ID in the .env file.
  1. To get ACCESS_TOKEN:
  • Go to this website and paste the Client ID you have previously found (step 3) in the appropriate input box.
  • In the scopes input box, enter: moderator:read:followers bits:read channel:read:subscriptions channel:read:redemptions channel:manage:redemptions (make sure they are separated by spaces as shown).
  • Click connect, and then copy the provided Access Token (e.g. a2bcd5efg1hijklmn3o2pqrstu2v2w) into the speech marks for ACCESS_TOKEN in the .env file.
  1. To get SOCKET_TOKEN:
  • Go to Streamlabs API Settings page and then click on API Tokens.
  • Copy the Socket API Token (it is very long, so no example given) and paste it in the speech marks for SOCKET_TOKEN in the .env file.


Initial time

  • You can set the time at which the timer will start at by inputting the time in seconds in the time.txt file.
    • e.g. if you want the timer to start at 10 hours, you would put set the value in time.txt to 36000, as there are 36000 seconds in 10 hours.

Setting Twitch channel name

  • Open index.js and set the constant channelToMonitor equal to the name of the channel for the Everythingathon (caps do not matter).
    • e.g. set channelToMonitor = 'louieej' if the Twitch channel for this Everythingathon is LouieEj.

Configure time for each event

  • The time which gets added to the timer, in seconds, can be configured at the top of index.js.
    • IMPORTANT: Make sure all values are in seconds, e.g. 10 minutes should be the value 600.
  • You can also specify the minimum Streamlabs donation amount which will add time to the timer; by default it is set to 0, which means any Streamlabs donation amount will add time.


  • Open OBS and create a new browser source.
    • Tick Local File and then navigate to the Everythingathon-Twitch directory, and choose the index.html file.
    • Set the width to 600 and the height to 180. Click OK.
  • The timer should now display the time.
  • NOTE: If the timer ever hits 0, the timer will stay at 0, even if the value in time.txt increases.
    • To force the timer to update in a situation like this, right click the Browser source, click Properties, scroll down and click Refresh cache of current page.

UPDATE followersID.csv FILE

  • Just before starting a proper Everythingathon, the followersID.csv file should be updated.
  • To do this, delete the existing one, and then head to this website.
    • Enter the name of the channel which the Everythingathon is happening on, and then wait for the followers list to be generated.
    • Once the button shows, click on Export all as CSV.
  • Once downloaded, open the CSV file in Microsoft Excel (or a similar program) and delete all the rows other than the userID row.
  • Save the file in the Everythingathon-Twitch directory, and rename the file to followersID.csv.
    • If, for whatever reason, you cannot name the file this, call it something else and then update the constant followersIDCSV in index.js accordingly.


  • When running the bot for an actual Everythingathon, and not for testing, you should set the value for DEBUG_MODE near the top of index.js to false.
  • Go to the directory of the timer and open a command prompt/terminal window.
  • Type node index.js and the timer should start running.
  • If you ever need to stop the timer, you can press Control + C in the terminal window.


This project was developed for Twitch user Fulham, for an "Everythingathon" event. A clip showcasing the timer's functionality can be found here.


A timer for an "Everythingathon" for streaming platform Twitch






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