This program is used to download the latest GFS weather model prediction grib2 files and plot weather graphs to help weather forecasters to better analyze the current and future weather.
Credit @MYYD and @Louis-He
This project and program CANNOT be distributed or modified by ANYONE or ANY ORGANIZATION WITHOUT the permission of the developer.
This program needs packages as follows:numpy, pygrib(with packages pygrib needs), matplotlib, basemap
- Clone the whole GFSmodel folder
- Create folder 'sysreport' under ./GFSmodel
- Create folder 'product' under ./GFSmodel
- Create folder 'WTP' under ./GFSmodel/product
- Create folder 'RAIN' under ./GFSmodel/product
- Create folder 'WGP' under ./GFSmodel/product
Run in bash before running the program:
cd ./GFSmodel
mkdir sysreport
mkdir product
cd product
mkdir WTP
mkdir RAIN
mkdir WGP
This is the only thing you need to do to run the whole program. The program will help you download the latest GFS files automatically. However, when you run the program, the system will download the latest file when the future GFS file is avalible. It will draw 10m-wind, 2m-temperature, Mean-sea-level-pressure/ 850m-wind, 850hpa-temperature, 500-hpa-geopotential-height/ 6-hour-accumulated-precipitation(rain/snow/sleet_freezing-rain_mixed) automatically to product/WTP, product/WGP, product/RAIN, respectively.
- More plots
- Add Himawari-8 satellite images
- Add China ground environment monitoring station network See Airchina repository