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The project uses CMake's FetchContent to pull in appropriate versions of these dependencies at the source level during the build process.
This ensures that the dependencies are link-time compatible with the project itself.


$ cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-11 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-11 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B build
$ cmake --build build

These compiler settings should find the installed compilers in a platform-independent way. The -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release setting is optional and will turn on compile-time optimization for more realistic performance measurements.

(If using CLion, one can also set the compilers in a CMake profile or a toolchain.)

Running the program

$ ps -ef | ./build/bin/processtree

Running the tests

$ ./build/bin/processtree_tests

Preliminary insights

  • It's best to use FetchContent for portability across platforms and toolchains and ensure link-time compatibility between a project and its dependencies.
  • The spdlog source has a bundled version of fmt; one needs to compile it against the standalone source of fmt when using both.
  • Returning a process instance or passing it by reference as an out argument makes no noticeable performance difference.
  • Allocating a new vector<string> for each input line or converting it into an instance variable of the parser makes no noticeable performance difference.
  • scn::scan_list is an excellent replacement for strtok.
  • scn::getline is three orders of magnitude slower than std::getline: total execution time 20 sec vs. 0.1 sec for 10,000 lines of input.
  • cin.getline is quite a bit slower than std::getline: total execution time 16 sec vs 8 sec for 2m lines of input.
  • spdlog is extremely fast even when using the method calls instead of the compile-time macros.
  • stdio is still about three times as fast as the combination of {fmt} and std::getline.
  • There can be subtle language differences between clang++ and g++.
  • There can be major performance differences between clang++ and g++; e.g., on MacOs, code generated by clang++ is twice as fast as g++ (CMake release builds).


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