Video Demo:
1 This project is based on NodeJS, ExpressJS and mongolDB. I used a lot of extensions, sorry, I didn't remember, because I did this before reading the last project guide. ( it contains like: npm-watch, mongoose-delete-npm, npm)
2 I'm web developer ( not that new) so I used the "MVC model": like this:
My src folder contains: index.js: where I glue everthing together and assure if the web is running or not app:
- controllers folder: with controllers - cotaining all the METHOD AND FUNCTIONS for a specific JS file in "routes folder"
- middleware folder: I use Sorting (desc, asc) middleware to perform some functions
- models folder: I named it "Course", like course of action, here I created the Schema for my X-men Character(containing all the info), I use mongoose extension. config:
- index.js: config and check if mongoose is connected successfully or not helpers:
- handlebars.js: contain all the functions I create to pass into to .html/ .hbs(handlebars) file, as I cannot pass them into html/handlebars files img:
- contain all photos for me too choose for the icon public:
- It just a default thing in nodeJS, I do not USE or MODIFY THIS!!!!!! resources:
- scss folder: aka my CSS files
- view folder: ----courses_______create.hbs: create new 'character' HTML | |______edit.hbs: similar to create, but it's about updating the 'character's info' HTML when 'update' button triggered | | | |______show.hbs: when click on the character, we see all the info of the character HTML | |------layouts:____main.hbs: the outline, head of HTML like in jinja, like 'layout.html' | |-------me: _______deleted-characters.hbs: deleting that character when 'delete' button triggered | | | |_______news.hbs: news that I linked up in "my news" | |_______stored-characters: containing all the created you characters | |------- partials: contains footer and header of the page | |------- home.hbs: when redirect to '/' or click on the "MY X-MEN BOOK", redirect to the home page containing all the courses of characters u created | |------- news.hbs: |------- search.hbs:
routes: cotaining all the routes of COntroller, everything will go through here then get to app/controller to get out the functions
utils: contains mongoose.js for converting "mongoose objects to plain JS objects"