RubricApp is a web application for evaluating students' professional skills, such as teamwork and communication. With RubricApp, instructors can assess teams of students in real-time using research-based rubrics or custom rubrics. Instructors can email students their results, as well as download the data for analysis. RubricApp is the software behind ELIPSS SkillBuilder.
Requires python 3.
To install required python packages, either:
a) pip install -r requirements.txt
b) Using the method of your choice, individually install each of the python packages listed in requirements.txt.
From the base directory...
Before running the application for the first time, you need to create the database.
python `pwd`
To run the test server.
python `pwd`
The command will print out some logging information, including a localhost URL (probably Go there in your web browser to see the site.
If for some reason you want the sqlite database file and users directory to live somewhere else, replace `pwd` in the above commands with the desired path. Just make sure that the paths for both commands are the same.
The application can run in Apache. Look up information about running WSGI apps in Apache.
RubricApp is developed at the University of Iowa.
- For development questions or trying our test server: [email protected]
- For information about the rubrics: