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General Tests Documentation

Tanish Neema edited this page Nov 1, 2022 · 42 revisions


New Row Generator Test: The new row generator test allows us to check if we can create a new row for the rubric while circumventing the UI.

Create Test Project Test: The Create Test Project test allows us to check if we can create a test project and test rubric while circumventing the UI as we are testing the individual functions.

Import Sys Code: This allows us to import the necessary systems, libraries, and other tools while circumventing the UI so that we can run the other tests Luis and Jeremy created.

Runnig Unit Tests Test: This allows us just to run all of the tests that Jeremy and Luis have created before we change it to fit the modularization that Daniel has done.

Select Column by Name Tests: This allows us to go and select each individual column by its name while not going through the UI.

Select Index By Group Eva Tests: This allows to go and select each individual evaluation as pseudo students while circumventing the UI.

Select Index By Group Eva Owner Tests: This allows us to go and select each individual evaluation as pseudo instructors while not having to go through the UI.

Select Index By Group Eva Owner Date Tests: This allows us to be pseudo instructors and access evaluations on a specific day while going around the UI.

Select Students by Group Tests: This allows us to check if we can select each group and each student in each specific group.

Test Get Students by Group Tests: This allows us to check if we can get individual students from each group.

Select Map By Index Tests: This just allows us to access the rubric while bypassing the UI.

New Map Generator Test: This allows us to test if we can create a new rubric.

Select Row by Group ID Test: This allows us to see if we can select each row by each individual group while bypassing the UI.

Select Row by Index Test: This allows us to check if we can select each individual row by its index.

Flask Tests/PyTests:

ConfTest: This test just configures the environment so we can run the Flask tests while not going through the UI.

Index Test: This test helps us check if we can access the home page of the ELIPSS SkillBuilder website while not going through the UI.

Instructor Dashboard Test: This allows us to check if we can get through the instructor dashboard while bypassing the UI and having to create an account.

Instructor Project Test: This allows us to check if we can log in as a pseudo instructor.

Login Test:This test allows us on the Back-End team to check if we can log in while circumventing the UI.

Sign-Up Test: This test allows us, the Back-End team, to check whether we can or can not sign up/create an account while circumventing the UI.

Create Project Test: These test(s) use GETs and POSTs (when applicable) to the '/create_project' route to check the proper behavior of the @create_project route. Additionally, these test(s) also determine whether certain key phrases/words appear in the response data.

Project Profile Jump-Tool Test These test(s) use GETs and POSTs (when applicable) to the '/project_profile_jumptool' route to check the proper behavior of the @project_profile_jumptool route. Additionally, these test(s) also determine whether certain key phrases/words appear in the response data.