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User Manual

Tanish Neema edited this page Nov 3, 2022 · 11 revisions

How to use ELIPSS SkillBuilder:

1.) You need to go to the ELIPSS SKillBuilder/Pogil website if you haven't registered with the group yet. This will take you to the home page of the POGIL/SkillBuilder website.

2.) On the home page, you see many options for different tabs.

2a.)The page you should decide to go to is the educator's page as there are sections to describe what is offered for an educator who decides to use it. Right below, you will see a basic offering to educators if one hovers over the educator tab. Screenshot (147)

2b.) However, if you want to learn more about POGIL itself, you can go to the "About the POGIL Project" tab and head to the "About the POGIL Project" section as seen below Screenshot (149)