download apk form google play
- platform is vuforia
- use virtual button to control the game (more about virtual button, please visit the link below)
** Preview **
** Recording**
- print the imgae target or download it to your pad
- apply a vuforia key
- past the key to "App License Key" in ARCamera
- run ^_^
- use a card or something ike, to press the buttons (for now, there are three buttons, left, right, rotation)
- left button is at tail of the eagle
- right button is at left swing of the eagle
- rotation button is at right swing of the eagle (why these 3 positions, please visit about buttons position )
- very important, need another better image target
(for now, I do not have a printer, so the target is not changed)
- Kaielth folk:
- The original is from tomgsx:
- Wiki:
- Vuforia Virtual Button: