In this package we provide a wrap around the standard setutools to be used in Lyncs projects.
The package can be installed via pip
pip install [--user] lyncs_setuptools
Lyncs setuptools automizes the deduction of many options.
Its use in a
file is the following
from lyncs_setuptools import setup
setup(package_name, **kwargs)
where package_name is the name of the package and kwargs are a list of arguments additional or replacement of the one automatically deduced.
NOTE: For seeing the list of the automatically deduced options, run lyncs_setuptools
from command line in the directory containing the file
NOTE: for correctly installing your package via pip
, you need to add a file named pyproject.toml
with the following content.
requires = ["lyncs_setuptools", ]
Add "cmake"
to the requirements list if you use the following CMake extension.
Based on we provide a CMakeExtension to support CMake files.
A CMakeExtension can be added as follow
from lyncs_setuptools import setup, CMakeExtension
ext = CMakeExtension(install_dir, source_dir='.', cmake_args=[])
setup(package_name, ext_modules = [ext])
The following are the parameter used by default in the setup
- author: (git) author of first commit
- author_email: (git) email of author of first commit
- version: (python) value of
- url: (git) remote address of origin
- project_urls: (git) defines Source, Documentation, Tracker, Download
- description: (file) first title of the README
- long_description: (file) content of the README
- long_description_content_type: (file) type of README (md/rst)
- classifiers: (partially)
- version: Planning (<0.1.0), Pre-Alpha (<0.3.0), Alpha (<0.6.0), Beta (<1.0.0), Production/Stable (<3.0.0), Mature (>=3.0.0)
- license: TODO
- keywords: (>3 chars or capital) words in description
- classifiers: python 3-only, science