Brief Game Synopsis: "Bouncing Ball with Shadows" - is an arcade-style game reminiscent of ping-pong. In this game, two players control paddles, attempting to bounce the ball back and forth while aiming to score goals against each other. The game features a bouncing ball and offers a competitive two-player experience.
Control Guide:
Player 1 (Right Paddle):
- Move Up: Up Arrow Key
- Move Down: Down Arrow Key
- Move Left: Left Arrow Key
- Move Right: Right Arrow Key
Player 2 (Left Paddle):
- Move Up: W Key
- Move Down: S Key
- Move Left: A Key
- Move Right: D Key
Players control their respective paddles, aiming to bounce the ball and score goals against each other. The ball bounces off walls and paddles, returning to the center of the field when scored in a goal. The game continues until a set number of points is reached or is manually ended. Score counters display the number of goals scored by each player at the top of the screen.